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Kim Soomin

"You're up as well?" I ask him and he nods without saying a word.

....Well, this is awkward....

I seriously don't know how to start a conversation with him and it seems like he's not concerned about the slightest bit of it.

We just stay silent and stare at the sky for several more minutes and that's when he starts speaking which throws me off guard.

"Why would you play with such extreme bets if you know the risks?"

He doesn't turn to me, but I wonder why is he asking.

"Would you believe me if I said that it's to have fun?" I ask him back jokingly, though it's partially true that fun is a little bit involved.

"I don't think that's the sole reason, Soomin." He keeps his poker face on yet it's still hidden with sarcasm.

"You may appear to be quiet most of the time, but once you speak, words burn." I say with honesty, but making sure it's not making him feel offended.
"You're one to talk as well."

"I don't know. How do you feel when you gamble then?" I sigh and ask him instead of answering. He turns to me, his face is illuminated by the moonlight, defining his sharp jawline.

"If I answer, you have to as well." He says. "Do we have a deal?"

"Hmm, Sure!"

"It's a mandatory to do so. I don't really feel anything particular. Having a normal life is enough."

I feel like there's something more to these 3 sentences. Something nerve-wrecking and mysterious.

Having a normal life is enough? What is that that's normal about this school?! You even said so yourself!

He looks at me, waiting for my response.


"I feel a combination of fun and anxiety at the same time. It's true that when we gamble, we know the risks and have to decide whether we're going to take those risks or not. However, for me, one thing is certain. Gambling is about taking risks. I dislike the situation where I know for sure that I'll win or lose. Because that's not really gambling at all."

After I say that wholeheartedly, I look at his face which is already facing me with an unreadable expression. He looks like he's realized and confirmed something, but he masks his expressions very well, so I don't know if it's just my assumption or it's a real truth.

I'm quite sleepy now, so I'm ready to go back to my room.

"I'm going to bed now! Good night!" I wish him before walking back inside the school, but he suddenly asks me something, making me stop dead at my step before the door.

"Are you planning on gambling with the President, Kim Soomin?" He is leaning his back on the railing and looking straightly at me in seriousness as I turn my head to him.

This is the first time ever that he's spoken my name and the way he says it, it's like a warning.

"What if I am?" I dare answer even though I'm not even certain myself why I reply like this. Something in me wants to see more of his reactions and how he deals with someone like me.

"To gamble with her, you're not good enough."



Everyone is busy gathering around the information board which is in the middle of the hallway.

"What's going on?" I ask my friends as we're walking down the stairs. No one answers, meaning they as well don't know.

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