The transfer student

317 13 7

Kim Soomin

I'm back in my room after having instant noodles for dinner. I change into my pajamas then jump on my bed and lie down with my brown hair spreading all over the mattress. My eyes are staring at the red bag which brings back the situation 2 hours ago.

My phone suddenly rings and I quickly get it and see the caller which results in me rolling my eyes.


"FEL~ Oh, no, wrong name- SOOMIN~!!!" My weirdest brother annoyingly and loudly greets me, almost breaking my eardrums as usual.

"V?" I look at the caller again and it says Pinky Mario. Then I hear a yell through the phone.


They keep lecturing me, but aren't they any different?!

"Ugh! You two!" RM faintly groans, but it doesn't seem to stop the quarrel between the two.

"BE QUIET!" Silence instantly fills the call.

"Good!" I sometimes feel like RM's like my second father due to his maturity and intelligence. Talking of father- My thoughts are interrupted by my brothers again.

"So?" Jin finally asks, but I don't get what he's talking about.

"So what?" I blankly reply while staring at the white ceiling.

"How's your day at the school so far?" All three of them must be intently listening to me for my answer.

"Did anything happen?" V asks, sounding very excited to hear me.

"Lemme ask you." I reply back with a smirk. "Which one of you guys chose this place for me?"

"Namjoon." Jin answers. "Why?"

"As expected." I'm currently holding my score card with my two fingers while also observing it. "Who would've thought that this ordinary school really turns out to be a gambling den?"

"What really happened, Fel?" Namjoon speaks still hasn't gotten used to calling my new name yet.

"Nah, nothing much that's too interesting." I simply answer back. "I just got someone indebted to me... half of the money you gave."

"WHAT??!!" Jin and V simultaneously shout which I quickly pull my phone away from my ear.

"Hmm... That's a pretty good start." RM replies as if he's not that surprised by the fact that I had just risked $10,000,000 in a single game.

"From now on, don't send me any more money." I then tell them which earn a great silence from the call. "I want to manage it on my own."

"Alright!" RM quickly decides. "However, whatever you do, don't be reckless. This school isn't just about gambling."

"I've already witnessed that." I stare at the card in my hand, looking at a particular information. "People who win have the power while those who have large debts are called wimps."

"So, you still keep my identity a secret?" I tug my lips upward waiting for them to answer.

"Yes. That's what he's told us." All three of them sigh and tell me.

"Which means... In the public, you three don't have a sister?"

"Sadly yes." Even V sounds upset.

"It's okay. But, have you ever heard from him?"

"No. He's been busy traveling around the world." RM takes a deep sigh. "Why would he even choose that occupation?"

"Well... I gotta say, being a doctor who travels all over the world to help others is pretty much a great job."

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