24- insta rant

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laylaleah I've never been one to put a lot of shit out on the internet but I feel like I have some shit I need to get off my chest.

Teen pregnancy is not as glamorous as I and many others may make it seem. And sis I don't advice having sex, especially unprotected if you're young or in an unstable place or relationship because kids are no joke.

And if you MuST have sEX make him wear a condom and take some birth control as well cuz them shits ain't reliable on their own.

I'm one of the lucky few that has an amazing baby father that is willing to be there for every step of the process, so @lilskies thanks for being amazing. I appreciate it and you everyday. I mean this guy bought me a whole g wagon y'all .

Anyways the whole point of this rant is I'm not going to post up something that is quite personal and needs to be treated personal.

I love you guys to the Moon and back and then some, I mean you made me who I am, but I just can't go through something so critical and life changing with the world waiting and watching my every move for me to slip up.

All I'm saying is guys. Kids are a lot of work. Nurseries and doctors are expensive. Pregancy isn't a joke. Sex isn't a joke. Don't treat it like one.

Cuz when u play big ppl games u get big ppl consequences.

Special thanks to @lilskies @laniwill @champagnepapi @kayawaya and everyone else that has sat with me and put up with me through these trying times.

I'm gonna go offline for a while. I might pop up here and there say what I gotta say and shiz. I'm going on tour with Kimetrius. Buy tickets for my baby and I'mma do more jobs like the one above.

You guys are my world and I will be back stronger and better. I'm sorry this was all over the place.


Layla ❤️❤️❤️

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