Chapter 17: The Sleeping Witch

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They met at the O'Neill manor for breakfast. Akko proudly wore her new Wedinburgh fair shirt. She asked, "How's your uncle?" Constanze rested her head on a hand. "Oh, still asleep?" She nodded.

"We'll check on him after breakfast. My chauffer can bring him to the fair anytime." Amanda smothered a spoonful of bubble and squeak with egg yolk and put it in her mouth.

Constanze lifted the event brochure and pointed at the picture of boats.

"Do you want to join the parade?" asked Akko as she buttered a slice of soda bread. Constanze nodded then puffed up her chest and pantomimed sleeping. "But your uncle might still be hangover. No problem! Tell me what to do and I'll help!"

"This may be useful." Diana took an elaborately decorated box from a bag. "Inside is a spectral hand. To give it verbal commands, tap this green gem three times. To give it non-verbal commands, tap the blue gem instead." She tapped the green gem. The lid opened and a disembodied hand with long nails floated up. "Lift teapot." The hand obeyed. "Pour tea. Stop." The hand did as she instructed. "When you're done, just close the lid." She flipped the box and opened a compartment with an old crystal inside. "This crystal allows you to use the hand without a sorcerer's stone for about an hour." Diana put the box in a paper bag and offered it to Constanze. "Please accept this with my gratitude for all your effort to acquire the Playmaster."

Constanze took the bag and nodded her head. "She thanks you," said Amanda. "Cons, may I see it?" She gave the bag and Amanda looked at the crystal inside. "Ciara, please get the yellow crystal in the second drawer in my room." A nearby servant left and when she returned, she gave Amanda a glowing yellow crystal.

Akko felt a familiar tingle when the crystal passed nearby. "Is that from Avebury?"

"Yeah." Amanda took the old crystal out and put the yellow one in. She tapped the green gem. The lid opened and the hand floated nearby. "Pat Akko's head."

Akko recoiled at the hand and glared at Amanda as it patted her head. "Hey! Couldn't you do something else?"

Amanda chuckled and closed the lid. "Thanks for being a good test subject." She put the box and the old crystal in the bag. "That crystal was enhanced at Avebury, so it should last at least three hours. What's up with the style? It's freakin' creepy." The box was decorated with bronze bones, bats and zombies set on black velvet.

"It was made in the late 1800s when gothic was in fashion. Everyone was into Frankenstein, vampires and the like," replied Diana.

"If we're gonna help Cons, we should pack lunch. What do you want to eat?" asked Amanda.

"Sandwiches, perhaps? Something we can hold while standing," suggested Diana.

"What time do we have to be at the harbor?" Constanze held up ten fingers. "Ok, I'll have it delivered there by ten." Amanda instructed Ciara about lunch.

After breakfast, they went to check on Franz who was snoring like a barge horn. Constanze closed the door with a disappointed expression.

Akko patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. You have me!"

"That's why she's worried," said Amanda with a wink.

"Hey!" exclaimed Akko indignantly.

"I don't know much about sailing, but I'll help too," said Diana.

"You can count me in! C'mon, we got a few hours to play," said Amanda.

They attended a comedy show and an exotic animals presentation then they walked to the harbor gate. The chauffer was there with a lunch basket. Constanze swiped a card to open the gate and they followed her to the boat.

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