Chapter 9

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Elise P.o.v

"The next design is from Croatia they said this had been a very priceless design but since you are offering it in a triple cash they intend to reconsider, and this Maroon design always makes the whole art a masterpiece with this-"

I sliced a half of meat before eating while I listen to every report Jimin is saying until I hard footsteps near, I got alarmed knowing it would be Yoongi and from what I remembered last night he doesn't want any business be inserted when doing grace.

"Jimin stop, go away" Jimin curt shortly before he steps aside

My heart skips a couple beat upon seeing Yoongi smile, this was the first time I had seen him smiling to brightly to me.

My heart skips a couple beat upon seeing Yoongi smile, this was the first time I had seen him smiling to brightly to me

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"Goodmorning" I said smiling brightly

"Heey!" he said before kissing my temple (look at how he smiled in the picture)

"You're not doing work now right aren't you?"

I snickered purposely at his question

"Of course not, Jimin was just there even before I had started my breakfast" I innocently said

"Good, then I think I shall practice now after I eat"

"Where are you going?"

"Uhm I was wondering after college, I think I should just apply to one entertainment and produce some music"

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, I've really wanted that all my life but unfortunately I lack money so might as well start now"

I stood up giving him an assured smile, before I cupping his face bending down ready to kiss him when I felt some sudden audience, I stared at my side to my staff,

"leave" I said before every staff scurry their way out of the breakfast table. Yoongi chuckled before letting me sit on his lap instead, I was surprised at first but in the end, stayed calm.

"What time will you be out?" I asked

"Maybe by 5?"

"Great then we'll have dinner, I'll pick you up by 5"

"Oh you don't need to-"

"No, I want to"

"Will you be fine if I go first?"

"Yeah go work yourself out" I chuckled at his response before kissing him on the lips,

I walk side by side, each passing moment felt like I have been in the same room with Yoongi where we shared a sweet love making. I would go greet every staff I meet that would give them chills as if I am sick or something,

"You have a meeting by 8 today by Big Hit and then they want you to sign this contract,"

"If this is a signing contract this should be done at my home, I need to review their rules first"

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