Chap 17

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5 years later,

"We are up by 5 4 3 2"

Claps can be heard from the audience as it favored the kids that are professionalally walking down the aisle including the daughter of Yoongi

"Whoo! Go Alice!" Jimin shouted as he snap a picture of her

Alice had started her career being the youngest actress and model under Bighit Entertainment, but to Suga it is very important that she finishes school as well so he decided to hire a tutor and home schooled her little angel,

And at the same time Alice would play along with bts in their recording studio

After the shoot they all went out to eat and celebrate the successful event and after that the two went home

Alice went up to her room and arranges her stuff, she noticed the only picture sitting on the night stand before she heard a knock


"Neh appa?"

"Yeah you okay?"

Alice kept staring at Elise' face, she wasnt the mother but since it was the only picture Suga wanted her to watch it was as if she had herited some resemblance to her features

"Was she pretty in person dad?"

Suga put a stray of hair behind her ear before he smiled

"She was"

They both headed out and thought that in celebrating this kind of success would be so much fun together with her,

"Omaaa!" Alice laid some pretty sunflowers on Elise' grave before standing up beside Suga

"Appa I'm gonna go play outside"

"Not too far okay?"

Suga faced her again this time as he crouch down to properly arranged some flowers, everytime they visit there would always be fresh flowers laid in her grave not just one but it would reach a dozen, maybe Elise isn't as bad as they think she is

"As promised Elise, I did what you asked me, isn't she lovely? She's all that I have now. How are you up there? Are they taking care of you? I missed you so much, goodbye....for now"

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