Chap 18 [FINAL]

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A normal day as people woke up to get ready to work as for a certain girl she got up the same way her mother did,

"Goodmorning Ms.Alice your bath is ready now"

She smiled at her workers before stopping one of her manager before opening the curtains

"I'll open it, I wanted to see the light first before anyone else"

He nodded lightly before standing back aside

Alice sighed for nth time, before dismissing her workers to try to get to the tub. She might have been there for hours that mde the workers worried so much since she doesn't unlock the door to anyone

Suga heard the commotion upstairs and he tried to predict it again this time. He went up and see his workers crowding against the door

"She did it again sir"

Suga sighe before knocking the door,

"Sweetie it's appa can you open the door for me?"

The door unlocks and Suga carefully let himself inside, there her daughter with her robe with vividly puffy eyes

"Does it seem weird that you're crying over a man that doesn't even have a job?"

Alice looks at his father with an annoyed face, she was determined to make herself better with his help but it came out the other way around

Suga puts both of his hand in defense and decided to talk it out with her properly

"Uhh how long are you both in a relationship?"

"Turning 4"

Suga laughed amazingly by her response, not that he didn't believe them being together this long but the fact that he only knew about his daughter's relationship just a couple months ago considering them being in a relationship more than a year

"Daaad" she whined

"Okay I'm sorry I haven't met the kid yet, atleast let's have dinner sometimes"

Alice looks at him sulking,

"Hey no jokes this time, I seriously want to meet the kid that made my daughter cry"

Alice smiled this time hugging her father tightly before preparing for school,

Suga waited for her daughter outside but instead the latter passed him by,

"Alice where are you going"

"Uhh I'm not going with you, I'm using my car today"

Suga scrunch his brows in confusion,

"Ugh dad we will be late let's go"

Other P.o.v

I attended earlier than before, excited to see Alice. I am in my senior year together with her, we met way back in highschool and I directly made her my girlfriend after several dates we had,

I always wait for her outside the school before entering considering we both have cars and we always parked it together.

Before lighting up my cigar Alice arrived, she gave me that I-will-kill-you stare that made me wonder again why, what did she found out this time?

"You did hook up with her didn't you?" She slammed me behind my locker while pointing her finger at me

"Oh my god, Alice what are you talking about I just drove her home"

"Why? Can't she walk? Or ride a bus home?"

I sigh again, while she anticipates my answer

"Are we fighting again?"

"Just get ready at lunch we're meeting my father"

"Do I have to go?" I asked worriedly

Alice gave me her usual look of annoyance as well

"All right, okay"

Suga P.o.v

"Here are the signed papers hyung and I want you to sign this also and a couple more of these"

I signed all the papers before grabbing my laptop in crushing out all of the assigned task I need to do for this morning

"You know hyung I'v never seen such guy who is very devoted to his work even though it isn't his passion"

I look up to Jimin while he anticipates my answer

"I'm not only doing this for me, but for Elise"

"Especially for Elise , I mean that was like 13 years ago. You still don't reward yourself by getting married. Alice needs a new mother"

I chuckled at his advice before standing up and grabbing my coat at the coat stand,

"Alice have me and I have her. What else do I need in life?"

"Well eventually Alice might leave, remember she's also human and needs to live off her life on her own, I'm just saying"

Now that I heard of it, I never really think that about Alice. Jimin's right in the right time she would then leave me for her own family, in the end I would left with no one but myself.

On the way to the restaurant I have nothing but the life of Alice after highschool, maybe she would eventually leave me for college and live off on her own

I sigh for the nth time while I enter the  restaurant,

"Any reservation sir?"

"Yes, the Min reservation"

She checks it again befor accompanying me with a two seater table

I drank some water before seeing a familiar figure coming towards me, I smiled a little before seeing her together with a man.

"Hey dad" she pecks my cheek before returning beside the man

"Dad this is Son Jaehyun, my uhm boyfriend"

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out but a....

"Oh Hi, I'm Min Yoongi, Alices' father"

He bowed 90degree before seating down,

The lunch went on and on until it was my time to ask about the man's life background

"So are you an only child?"

The wiped his mouth before speaking,

"Uh yes sir just me"

"So what does your parents do?"

"Uh my father owns a Lawfirm and my mother is a designer"

I keep listening and nodding from his parents' job, this kid is actually not that bad

"So what are your parents' name?"

"Oh my mother is Son Mina, and my father is Hyun Woo"

I stop halfway of cutting the meat upon hearing those familiar names, I faced him with a curious expression

"Is your father perhaps the owner of the Steelworks inc.?"

He smiled widely,

"Yes sir exactly"

"But he just go with a name of Shownu and my mother Mina"

Suga paused for a long time, examining this time of how the child acts. Those names had hunt Elise for a long time and he haven't gotten a time to pay back all the pain Elise have felt, now this child enters our life again. Will he be just another man who will break my daughter's heart or will he be the opposite of them?

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