The Promise

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A/N: Chapter 4.. already? Wow! Thank you for all the comments... I really love reading them. Hugs.....For all who voted, leaving comments and adding this story to your library.

Happy reading and like always excuse the spelling or grammar bloopers.... :-)


Art walked out from the bathroom all dressed and glanced over at Kong who sat having breakfast at the sofa. He walked over gingerly holding on to the vanity table as his knees almost gave away. Kong dropped his spoon with a loud clang, about to jump up to help when Art glared at him.

"Are you okay, Art?" he frowned a little as he sat back down.

"No thanks to you. You seriously trying to kill me, Kong? I can barely walk properly right now!" Art glared at Kong, wobbling slowly to the sofa and sat heavily down wincing and groaning.

Kong laid back on the sofa, putting his palm over his mouth trying hard to hide his smirk. Feeling the heat rising all over again. God help me! I can't seem to get enough if this man. Art is like a drug that he got addicted to with just one shot. He gave Art a deep stare then frowned. He tilted his head to the side and gave Art an overall look.

Art noticed the look and put his fork down and tilted his head, raising his eyebrows at Kong in an obvious question.

"Who are you?" Kong asked in such a serious face that Art jumped a little.

"What?" Art asked him puzzled.

"Where did the cute guy I fell in love with go? How did you manage to turn into this hot sexy bomb overnight?" Kong said in serious wonder, watching Art's mouth dropped to his chest, totally flabbergasted. His signature pink flush flooding his face.

OH MY GOD! That's got to be the cheesiest line on the face of the earth. Kong has gone bonkers, seriously. Yup, no doubt about it... Errr... Why is your heart running all over the place then, huh Art?

Art gulp as his eyes ran the perimeter of Kong full lips. The hot searing lips that had staked his claim at every inch of Art's pale porcelain smooth skin. The one shot scenes of those lips overpowering possessive indulgence of Art's alter ego in the groin area last night and again just a few hours ago filled his mind. Art gulped hard, his body suddenly feeling feverish and the aforementioned alter ego began to throb.

Art saw Kong winked at him, his eyes smoldering with resolute dominance as he scooped some scrambled eggs and feed it to Art's opened mouth, his chest heaving in silent laughter stating clearly that he knew what Art was thinking.

SOMEBODY JUST SHOOT ME ALREADY.....before I embarrass myself any further. Art thought, frantically trying to disentangle the knots in his stomach.

Art quickly grabbed the fork and began stuffing his face with his breakfast shutting his eyes momentarily then covertly eyeing Kong.

How did Kong manage to have this much power over him? Art was so conscious of Kong that he could smell Kong's scent even from all the way across the table. Shit! I am so totally done for..... Art groaned as he mentally knocked his head on the wall.


After checking out, Kong guide Art towards a car, surprising Art stopping him on his tracks.

"You have a car, Kong?" Art shot him a you didn't tell me about this, look.

Art watched Kong pulled a tight smile and giving him the boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar look.

"We need to have a seriously long talk, Kong." Art pouted with one hand on his hip.

"Yup," Kong said wincing at Art's mental jab. Hell! He's going rue the day he left off many aspects of his life from Art, judging by the look on the face of his super sexy babe so rue he will, solemnly but... Oh My God just take a look at those lips!

EMANCIPATION ( Arthit & Kongpop )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz