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"Mae...." Kong shouted out, walking determinedly towards the kitchen. He was truly fuming with sexual frustration as he reached the kitchen and saw the object of his obstruct desire and stopped dead on his tracks. Art was clad in white apron up to his waist over his white shirt and black jeans, cutting veggies as he beamed at Kong.

"What is it, bho. Do you need anything?" Art asked him and every time Kong heard Art called him that all his pent up frustration just melted. Art had started calling him that the very moment after their wedding 2 years ago.

It was one grand wedding, of course, thanks to his mae. Kong felt his heart swelling again with pride each time the word bho, meaning hubby short for bhowa meaning husband reach his ears. His fuming forgotten as he reached out wrapped his arms around Art and nuzzled his ears sending shivers down Art's body. Art chuckled ticklish when Kong nipped at his sensitive ears.

AN: I wanted you, readers, to see the wedding of Kong & Art ~ something similar to this. I borrowed this so the credit goes to the real couple, remember that yeah?

This wedding is traditional and luxurious just what Rung would do for them.
Just imagine... this beautiful couple is our Kong & Art ok?

Kong made Art put down the knife and veggies he was holding and spin him around in the encirclement of his arms. He leaned down and placed his burning lips on those wet pinkish flirties that Kong called those lips of Art's and slurped them hungrily.... and soundly. Art giggled at Kong's obscene teasing knowing well that he was purposely doing it to irritate his mae who was watching them in annoyance.

"No impending work to do, Kongpop? Now dragged that horny tongue back in and keep it there!" Rung shot Kongpop an evil smirk. Kong exaggerated a sigh and whined. Art smothered his giggle.

"Mae... I want my wife back ..... you had him all day...."

Rung kept her face straight. This is so much fun. Huh! You think sneaking around my back chasing after this hot cutie without even asking for my aid will go by me unnoticed? You better toughen up kid, it's payback time! Rung mentally snorted.

"Tch.. Kongpop, someone would think that I held your wife hostage or something. Now shoo.... go drive your por crazy or whatever..." Rung said nonchalantly. Art smothered another chuckle, shooting heart bubbles to his husband which somehow manage to calm Kong a little. The irritated man spun mumbling incoherently and left the kitchen. Art and Rung broke into peals of laughter as soon as Kong was out of sight.

"You're really mean, Mae." Art said to his mother in law who he had come to love as much as his own.

He saw the elegant woman shrugged and continued cooking. She absolutely enjoys the time she spent with Art during the days when both her husband and son left for work since Art and Kong moved in after living together in their love nest, for two years after their wedding. Art had quite the company recently after moving in with them to prepare himself into motherhood.

Two more months and Yindi will give birth to Kong's and Art's babies. It doesn't take long to convince them both to have children of their own. Rung had been preparing of course.

Gallivanting the United States to find the best ovum banks along with her bosom buddy Yim. It was fun for them since they couldn't play any part in their children's romance so Rung had dragged her to select the best ovum candidate for their children's offspring.

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