The Union of Two Souls

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A/N: New chapter is here. Red flag!! Consider you've been warned, ok? It took longer to write this cause I'm trying to break Art's shell in a most appropriate way ( pun intended.. lol ) so, do enjoy the read.

As usual about spellings and grammars and please don't forget to leave a vote and comments. I so do love reading them... Thank you for all your support.... :-)


Art was edgy, his eyes flitting all over the place but the one spot he tried to avoid and Kong's blatant ogling at him doesn't help his fragile nerves.

He couldn't help feeling embarrassed after weeping like a baby at Kong's earth-shattering proposal. He twisted the ring on his finger and his heart just melted.

Hell... when did Kong become so mature? Did he really underestimate Kong all this time or was it Art that had never really looked at Kong for the man he really was.

Art absentmindedly forked the fried glass noodles that he made with chicken and basil just now. Silently after he had calmed down he got up and went to the kitchen with Kong intently watching him.

Kong didn't say a word instead he sat at the dining table beside the kitchen counter, his eyes following Art's every move.

Art glanced at him occasionally and find him smiling softly at Art's domestic prowess. When Art placed the steaming dish in front of him, Kong wolfed it down in a blink. Art smirked, shyly pleased that Kong liked his cooking.

Then the ogling began, putting Art in the present antsy situation, conscious of Kong's simmering sensual hunger that began to heat his own body.

Oh, Art knew that sensual plea that Kong was shooting at him non stop and Art gulped feeling really shy to make a move. He mentally groaned as he felt Kong's eyes on his lips. Beads of perspiration began to pepper his forehead. His chest felt congested and he had a hard time breathing properly.

Kong got up from his chair and walked casually towards Art. He hid a knowing smile as he bends and picked Art up into his arms.

Art clung onto Kong, a sudden tremor course through his body as Kong held him tight in his arms. He hid his burning face at the nook of Kong's neck as Kong walked towards a door. Kong turned the knob and push the door open with his foot as he sauntered into the room.

Art was barely aware of everything else about the room except the king size bed that sat majestically at the center of the room against the wall. When Kong set him down he raised his eyebrows at the bed as he heard Kong's soft chuckle.

Kong cupped Art's face and tenderly stamped his lips on Art's forehead, a universal declaration of respectful love especially towards the one who ruled your heart.

Art closed his eyes swallowing his nervousness, his body trembled at the force of emotion that he felt from Kong's taut body before letting go of his shy restrain he unbuttoned his shirt opening his eyes slowly as he shirked the shirt off his shoulders and reaching out to undo Kong's.

Kong stood as if transfixed at Art's first bold moves, his eyes following Art's jittery fingers as it slid the shirt off sending it puddling at Kong's feet.

They looked into each other's eyes. Kong gave reign to Art as he stood still waiting. Art flicked his tongue at his dry lips and saw Kong gulped as his eyes caught the sensuous move. Art finds himself smirking at how easy it was to make Kong lose his cool.

Getting bolder, Art trailed his fingers along Kong's collar bones down the center of his chest and stopping at one side of Kong's dark brown bud. Art's discovery of its sensitivity excited him and unconsciously he flicked his tongue over the bud sending ripples of tremors throughout Kong's body. Art heard him groaned before his body was hauled over to the bed.

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