Chapter 3

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Donald and Goofy had the gummi ship ready to take off, so Sora sat down at the control system. Donald jumped out of his seat.
"Here you go, your Majesty. You can take my seat." Aw, how sweet.
"Thank you, Donald, but where are you gonna sit?"
"I'll just hold on to something." I couldn't make him do that.
"Aw, Donald. How about this instead? You can sit in my lap. I know that might sound strange, since you're an adult duck and all, but still, I feel bad that you don't have anywhere to sit."
"Aw shucks, your Majesty." Donald blushed a little bit. I held out my arms to him.
"C'mon, don't be embarrassed."
"Hey, Donald, why don't you come drive the ship?" Sora said as he peeked his head from behind the chair and winked at Donald.
"No thank you." Donald jumped up in my lap.
"It's blast off time fellas!" A rather squeaky voice yelled from the intercom.
"Roger, Chip." I could feel the ship slowly lifting upward, and then it suddenly started moving rapidly just ahead. I had never experienced ship flight at the time, and it frightened me. As soon as the ship started moving, I squeezed Donald.
"Ack!" He quacked. "Don't squeeze me so hard! Save that for Sora's di-"
"Look out!" The squeaky voice was back over the intercom, screaming to watch for enemy ships. We tossed and turned everywhere, avoiding everything we possibly could. Meteors floated around, laser beams flew everywhere, enemy ships were scattered and in pieces as more of them flew in to try and take us down. It was absolute chaos, but I loved it. Never before had I experienced something so thrilling.

Everything calmed down for once during the ride, but we all saw something in the distance. I figured it might have been another meteor, but Sora thought differently.
"Is that...a ship?" Another gummi ship? I looked more closely. No, not a gummi ship. We moved closer and closer to the other ship, and we saw it more clearly.
"Got it!" Chip started speaking over the intercom again. "The other ship is 31 feet tall, 114 feet long, and 81.5 feet wide." Well that's helpful. "It doesn't seem to be attacking us, so maybe it's a friendly ship! And maybe it's going to another world!"
"So you think we should follow it?" Sora asked.
"If we die, I'm blaming you, Chip!" Donald said as he flailed around in my lap.

Time passed as we continued to follow the other ship. Finally, a planet came into view.
"Does anyone find it strange how there aren't any heartless here?"
"Don't jinx us, Goofy!"
"Guys, Look! Another world!" Sora yelled with excitement. The mysterious ship in front of us started to move faster toward the planet, and we did the same. The surface of the planet was gorgeous, with the greenest rock and mountain-like terrain.

We landed just behind the mysterious ship, and we waited. A girl jumped out of the ship, along with two accomplices. The girl had brown hair that didn't go past her shoulder in length, and she wore clothes with different shades of grey, the only color being the brown belt and boots she wore. As for her accomplices, they were interesting characters. One of them was a tall and furry bear-like creature, and the other was a blue and white...machine?

The girl was suspicious of us, and she slowly creeped closer and closer to the gummi ship.
"Uh, guys. Perhaps we should show ourselves and tell her that we're friendly." I informed the crew.
"Good idea." Sora said as we all stood up and made our way out of the gummi ship. The girl saw us and pointed her weapon at us.
"Who are you?" She scolded.
"Uh, we're friendly. I promise." Sora's words shook.
"Why did you follow us here?"
"We were curious!"
"Donald, calm down." I demanded him as I stepped forward.
"We come in peace." I said softly as I curtsied. The girl lowered her weapon.
"Okay, I believe you."
"What's your name?"
"Rey, and this is Chewbacca and R2-D2. You?"
"I am Alannah, and these are my friends Sora, Donald and Goofy."
"Hiya." Goofy waved to her.
"What is this place?" Sora asked her.
"We're standing on Ahch-To. I'm searching for someone who's supposed to be on this island."
"Who are you searching for?"
"Luke Skywalker, because he will teach me the way of the Jedi."
"The way of the Jedi? What's that?" Sora asked as Rey shook her head.
"Just don't worry about it." Rey turned around and started to walk away, but she was stopped by Heartless. "What the hell are those things?" The Heartless there carried swords with lasers. Sora, Donald and Goofy ran in front of Rey and took defensive stances. The Keyblade appeared in Sora's right hand. Wait, what? No one told me Sora was the Keyblade master.
"We'll handle this." Sora, Donald and Goofy fought the Heartless fearlessly, but the creatures wouldn't stop appearing. At this point, I stepped in. I walked in between Sora and Donald. They stopped fighting and stared at me with confusion and concern. "Alannah, move!" Sora shouted, but he didn't phase me. I stopped walking, and the Heartless immediately turned their attention to me.
"Alannah!" They all shouted at the same time, but they worried for no reason. I snapped my finger, and all of the Heatless around me froze. Then, they exploded like bombs of light. No Heartless showed up after that. I turned around, and Sora, Donald and Goofy all had their jaws dropped to the ground below them.
"Nice, now that that's out of the way. Let's get going." Rey said as she passed Sora, Donald and Goofy. I followed her along with Chewbacca and R2-D2. Those three bozos couldn't lift their damn jaws.
"C'mon, you guys!" They shook their heads and ran after us. Sora walked next to me.
"So, um, why couldn't you do that against Organization 13?" He asked me.
"It only works on enemies that think mindlessly."
"Oh. That makes sense." We all continued to walk up the rocky hill, and the sun was beginning to light the sky with an orange glow.
"So, Sora, when were you gonna tell that you were the Keyblade master?"
"Oh, that's right. I never mentioned that, did I?" I laughed at him.
"It's okay, I know now."
"This is it." Rey said as she stood in front of a large, brick structure. She knocked on the door a couple times, and no one answered. She tried again. No one answered. Donald stomped up to the door and banged on it with his staff.
"Hey! Open up!" Surprisingly, the door slowly opened all the way. The man who answered the door was old with fairly long hair and a short beard. However, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the figure behind him. I gasped and screamed in fear as I backed up, and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Not Sora, though, he came to my rescue. He grabbed me before I fell off the cliff, and pulled me into a hug.
"Hey, calm down. It's ok, we won't let anything happen to you. Do you believe me?" My entire body shook in fear, and tears streamed down my face. I lost my sanity at the sight of that Organization 13 member.
"Sora!" I shouted as the member moved closer to us.
"Protect the queen!" Goofy and Donald shouted as they pointlessly attempted to attack him. He approached Sora, who stood in front of me with the Keyblade in his hand. The mysterious man took off his hood, revealing his face. He had mint green eyes, and bright red, spiky hair. I stared at him with so much fear in my eyes. He looked at Sora, then he looked at me.
"You're lucky I found you first." He suddenly disappeared as darkness surrounded him.

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