Chapter 5

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   The sun's orange glow slowly faded into a starry night sky. I sat on some rocks just outside the brick fort as I watched the sun sink into the ocean. My nose twitched at the intense smell of the salt.
   "Hey." I heard Sora's voice, but I never stopped staring at the descending sun.
   "You alright?" He sat down next to me.
   "Yes." I answered his question, and then we sat in silence.

   Time passed and the sky finally turned dark. The moon and stars appeared to be the only source of light.
   "What did he mean by 'you're lucky I found you first'?" I looked at him for the first time since he sat down. He looked at me, sighed, and stared back at the glowing moon that levitated over the ocean.
   "You probably don't want to hear this, but I think we can trust him." He's right. I didn't want to hear that. I found myself to be quite angry after he said that.
   "How can you say that? When we first met, you got so angry at me for feeling bad for Organization 13. Now you're saying we can trust one of them? After they tried to kill me?" I stood up out of anger and turned my back to him. "You need to take your own advice, Sora." I proceeded to walk away, though, he came after me.
   "Alannah," he grabbed my wrist, "I know that Organization 13 member. His name is Axel, and even though every other member is bad, it doesn't mean he is. Not completely." I jerked my wrist, releasing it from his grip, and kept walking away. Sora dropped his head in disappointment.
   "She'll come around." The old man, Luke Skywalker, appeared next to Sora.
   "She's stubborn."
   "You can't blame her. From what I've heard, she has a right to be angry with this Axel fellow, and his friends too."
   "Yeah." Sora sighed.
   "Well you two can kiss and makeup sometime tomorrow!"
   "We got some work to do, Sora."

The War for Kingdom HeartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz