First Kiss with Armitage Hux

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You and Armitage have both been working together in the First Order for as long as you remember. He's always been the second best to Kylo-Ren in Snoke's eyes, always the second priority, he hopes to be the new Supreme Leader if Snoke shall be killed. He knows that Kylo-Ren is way ahead of him on that journey. But yet, Hux has been working longer than Kylo ever has, cleaning up after his little temper tantrums.

"I will tell you once again, Ren. My men are the finest of troops, their loyalties lie with the First Order. They're kidnapped from their homes and brainwashed the moment they arrive." you hear Hux snarl. Tiptoeing around the corner of an unoccupied room, you find the merciless Kylo-Ren arguing with your long-time fantasy, General Hux. He's so imperfect, yet so perfectly imperfect to you.

You've been longtime friends. He talks to you not only about work but about personal matters. Something he doesn't do with anyone else. He has trust in you. His intimidating scowl always melts off his face when he speaks to you, a teethe smile always managing to replace it. His fiery red hair, dances like the flames that his stormtroopers use to burn villages to the ground. The way he walks sends shivers down your spine, the sway of his trench coat. The dominance and power when he speaks. You're a fish on a hook when it comes to General Armitage Hux.

"Then why does another FN unit need to be charged for desertion?" Kylo-Ren yells at Hux with hatred in his voice.

"Something went wrong, Ren! Not every stormtrooper is 100% perfect!" Hux snarls in Kylo-Ren's masked face.

Kylo's hand slowly lifts up, his fingers curling. Hux grabs at his throat, not being able to breath. His pale skin turning bright red, eyes starting to roll into the back of his head.

"STOP!" you scream and run out of hiding.

Kylo-Ren's head snaps in your direction, him seeing a young commanding officer interfering with their meeting and bossing around a higher ranked official.

"Leave now, Officer (Y/N)!" Kylo-Ren barks.

You feel your face flush red and your confidence completely flat line. Hux lay on the floor, breathing heavily and coughing repeatedly. He makes eye contact with you, ocean blue eyes meeting (Y/E/C).

Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, your gaze falls to your shiny, black officer boots and you apologize for interfering, "My apologies, Commanders. I didn't mean to interfere."

"You should be, Officer (Y/N). Expect to be demoted for your foolishness."

A sob escapes your throbbing throat.

"Yes, Sir," you whimper, your voice small and powerless.

A few tears fall from your eyes, feeling nothing but guilt and sadness for interfering. You've been working your whole life to have this high-rank job, only for it to be taken away from the consequences of acting on your silly crush.

You turn on your heels and head down to your quiet bedroom chamber. Sniffles escaping your body and tears rolling onto the tiled floor.

You've almost made it to your sanctuary, feeling the warmth of your room corridor creeping up as you recognize the hallway.

"(Y/N)!" you hear from behind you. Ignoring the voice calling to you, your pace quickens to a run. You can recognize the voice as General Hux.

"Listen to me!" he yells, authority prominent in his voice. The hallway clear of workers and stormtroopers.

He's a higher rank than you, you'll probably be demoted further if you don't listen.

"Yes, General?" you mutter. Another tear falling form your eyes.

"Look at me (Y/N)." he commands, his breathing getting louder as he nears you.

Slowly you turn your heels to face him, head hanging. Red in the face.

"Yes, S-Sir," you mumble, your voice small and weak. Crying present in your tone.

Both of your boots shine as the light reflects off them onto the stone tile. Suddenly, a few long fingers snake under your chin. His fingers frigid like ice but his gloves soft like cotton.

Slowly, he tilts your chin up so you're meeting his gaze. He searches your eyes for a second while you look at a trash bin behind him.

"Are you crying?" he questions, sincerity but demand in an answer in his voice.

"N-No, Sir. Just the cold." you lie. Badly timed because a big tear drips from your eye onto his gloved palm.

"Don't lie to me," he wipes under your eyes.

A lump grows in your throat, "I-I'm sorry, Sir, I didn't -," you cut yourself off by sobbing and breaking down in his grip.

"Sh-sh shhh, it's okay," he shushes as you put a hand on your face, trying to cover your exploited weakness.

"No, it's not," you weep.

"I won't let you be demoted."

Those words spark a wave of relief throughout your brain.

"B-But how?"

"You've always done a great job while working. Snoke won't allow his foolish apprentice to downgrade such an important commander such as yourself," he strokes your soft cheek.

"Thank you, Sir," you wrap your arms around his waist and bury your head in his chest. He smells of the lush woods back on your home world, the most relaxing scent you've ever smelled.

All of a sudden, you feel his hands leave your waist and your chin is tilted up. All in an instant his plump lips collide with yours. Both competing for dominance but him winning when he bites your lip in warning.

You hear him growl into your mouth, "I'm in control."

Letting out a moan as his tongue slides into your mouth. His hands wrap around your frame and push you into him.

"Hux," you moan into his mouth. Your teeth bite at his perfect lips resulting in a groan from him. He doesn't seem to like having someone tease him, he lightly yanks at your (Y/H/C) hair. He grins into your mouth as you let out a loud and untamed moan of his name.

Soon the fun ends and you both break the kiss, you being out of breath and him having a huge smirk laid across his lips.

"Armitage, that was amazing," you breathlessly say still catching your stolen breath.

"It was indeed, I'm more amazed that you're smiling," he states and his eyes swim with happiness.




@AnimeNerd1314 this is for you!

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