Dramatic Ending - General Hexy

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"IF YOU REALLY WANT TO GET US CAUGHT THEN I'LL JUST LEAVE!" you scream at your fiery husband, General Hux. Your tears are on a Nascar track, the green flag is your reddened eyes, and the checkered flag is the metal floor of Hux's bedchamber.

The two of you are arguing about you being deployed into battle again, the fifth time this month. This is dangerous business. You're a risky tie fighter pilot and Hux is the highest general in the galaxy. He knows everything about how dangerous it is to fight against the Resistance, especially with Poe Dameron ruling the skies.

"That's not it, (Y/N)! You don't understand!" he speaks in a whispery tone, "You're pregnant."

"Hux, I need to fight!" you sob and press the button to the door.

"GOODBYE!" you scream at him.

"(Y/N) please," he mutters and you see a tear fall from one of his startlingly blue ocean eyes. The door shuts and you slam your back against its rough exterior. Countless sobs rack your body and make you hyperventilate.

You don't know if this is pregnancy hormones or your own stupidity to blame for your actions.

All you want to do is run back into his warm embrace but you can't. He's not with you on this one.

You know you need to fight, pregnant or not. Nobody can suspect your secret pregnancy with Hux, it's against the rules to have relationships within the First Order.

Workers and soldiers stop to stare at one of their high authorities crying viciously. Lots feel awful because they know how kind-hearted and selfless you are. Some think that you're leaning against Hux's door because you might've been demoted somehow. Most who wonder that contemplate if that's even possible after all the heroics you've displayed in the First Order's name.





Dogfight after dogfight, day in and day out against the Resistance. They don't back down, your tie fighter squadron is running short. You need reinforcements. Poe Dameron's forces are CRUSHING the First Order fighters. Your squadron is one of the only ones left keeping the Resistance forces away from an important, stolen base on the red planet Crait.

A comrade's voice breaks your fleeing train of thought, "Captain (Y/L/N), should we advance to the outer wall?"

"Not yet, we have to hold off the rebel scum long enough for reinforcements to arrive!" you yell into the communication pad.

The tie fighter next to you banks a sharp right and undergoes major fire, a hole consumes the engine as a bullet pierces the fighter's outer shell. A screeching sound pierces the air and you know the pilot isn't going to make it. You know who the girl is. The look you regret taking, you see into her mask that separates you, her scared, ghostly blue eyes haunt you. The fire grows on her fighter and you watch as she plummets to the ground under you. A smoke cloud engulfs the area where she hit.


"ANNA!" you scream and bang at your window.

"Captain, she's gone. The reinforcements aren't here yet, we need to advance!" a comrade yells with desperation in his voice, "We'll be sitting ducks in a few minutes if we don't keep moving!"

"Squadron, we need to stay put!" you holler and chase a Resistance fighter's tail.

"Rodger that, Leader," all forces check-in.


You land a disarming hit on a Resistance fighter and it blows up. The debris taking out another fighter below.

All you can think about is Anna.


She was a great person


Why her?





"She's been hit!"







"WAKE UP, (Y/N)!" your ears ring, pain engulfs your body like a swarm of hornets.

"Darling, you have to wake up!" your body is shaken viciously and you can tell by his gloves that it's Hux.

"H-Hux," you whimper. Slowly, your eyelids open weakly. You can see a blood droplet fall from your eyebrow onto your cheek. Blood is littering your body. The crimson paint colors the ground with another shade of red.

"What did you do?" he frantically cries and yanks off your broken helmet.

"Leave me, Hux," you whimper, huffing and puffing, you struggle to breathe.

"W-What do you mean?" his eyes widen and his breath hitches. A plane dives into the ground nearby, the ground roars and the world cries.

"Go!" you raise your voice at him. Blood rushes out of your mouth and onto your crushed legs.

"You're being silly again," his voice sounds of alarm and panic. He yanks his black gloves off and takes your hanging head in his hands. Your eyelids slowly close and the world starts to fade away as his words come to a halt. Breathing and the sound of your heartbeat only to be heard.

Your beautiful lips stop moving and your breathing slows by the second. The sound of your heartbeat starts to die just as Hux's hope of a future with you does.

The hum of your heartbeat becomes fainter and less frequent.






"(Y/N)!" Hux's voice rings out.




"I beg of you!"











For @thatonefriends !!! I hope this is good!

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