Being Rescued By Kylo-Ren

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Kylo-Ren and you have been master and apprentice for about three months now. Him, your master, and you, his apprentice. The story of how this came to be is short but sweet.

He could sense you with the force when he found you on Tatooine. He knew who you were. Tusken Raiders had taken you in as their personal slave. You would clean up after them and be forced to perform dirty deeds on them. Your parents were murdered in cold blood when you were sixteen. Now you're twenty and on your own.

They never got to tell you that you were strong with the force. Sometimes you'd be able to move things around your room when you really focused, although you just thought that you were imagining things from your lack of hydration.

The new Supreme Leader of the First Order had entered your planet and sensed you through the force, immediately feeling your power but also your misery.

He came and saved you.

You served lustful and booze crazing costumers of all sorts, you'd been forced into wearing a skimpy, revealing bikini. An electric collar placed around your neck. You'd never been given enough food or water. A small room to sleep in, a bed frame with no mattress, and a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, and a tiny bathtub filled to the brim with grime.

  A small room to sleep in, a bed frame with no mattress, and a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, and a tiny bathtub filled to the brim with grime

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^ The outfit you had to wear.

The First Order took Tatooine and your tavern by storm, shooting anyone that stood in their path.

You were scared to death, completely glued to the floor. Eyes not moving away from the chaos unfolding around you. Blood painting the sand.

You had always been very shy, not one to speak up or be vocal. Being ready to die, not thinking about tomorrow. You close your eyes and let a smirk replace your look of horror.

"(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), you're coming with me," a cloaked Kylo-Ren yells at you as the stormtroopers shoot the remaining Tusken Raiders in the tavern. Is he talking to me?

Eyes fluttering open, you look to where the voice is coming from, you know exactly who it is. Your face turns as red as the nightly sunsets. You turn around and look at everyone around you, all dead. Even the other slave girls who had pushed you around all the time. Dead. You stutter and whimper out quietly, "M-Me?"

"Yes, now come with me," he booms from his voice automated mask, the mask shines as the dim light strikes it. He sticks out a long, black-gloved hand to you.

"I-I can't and I won't," you mutter and turn your heels to run to the back door. You know exactly what organization this is, the First Order. Yet you live in the outer rim, not close to the Resistance or the First Order. That says something, this is a big deal.

Kylo-Ren freezes you in place with the force. Completely stunning you in more ways than one.

"W-What? L-Let go of me!" you try to yell but it comes out as a whimpy complain.

"Not very vocal, are we now?" he mocks from behind his mask. Inside the mask, the merciless Kylo-Ren finds you hot like the blazing Tatooine sun. (I know I'm cringe but let's roll with it lmao.) He's intrigued by you, finds your lack of voice interesting to him.

"I said let me go!" you finally raise your voice. Throwing your hand out and channeling the force to throw a table at him. It goes flies across the room, aimed towards the enemy.

Kylo-Ren knows what he just saw. He knew what the feeling he felt from earlier was true. She's a strong but untrained force user, she'll be bendable to whatever he wants.

He sticks his arm out and the table stops in mid-air. You think he's going to throw it at you and you start wailing and screaming. You'd rather not go out painfully.

"JUST LET ME GO!" you cry and tears roll down your puffy cheeks. Slowly, you let your head fall to your sandals and sobs rack your body.

The table falls to the ground with a loud clank and rolls around in circles. Kylo-Ren slowly unclips his mask and places it on a table filled with booze and alcohol of all sorts.

He walks to you and tilts your chin to meet his mesmerizing, chocolate eyes. You flinch at his touch, looking anywhere but his gaze.

"Look at me, (Y/N)," he whispers. His voice sweet and smooth, unlike his automated voice.

Your lip quivers and you state, "I-I don't have to listen to you. You-You're not my master."

"Actually, I am now," a small smirk forms on the corner of his lips. He rubs his thumbs under your eyes, rubbing the tears that cover the black and blue circles that define the fire in them.

"N-No," you stutter and shake your head.

"I will be your master and I will bend you to the ways of the dark side."

"No you won't!"

"Yes I will, now sleep," he shushes you. Waving a hand next to your temple before you begin to protest. You completely black out and fall into his awaiting arms.

On the way back to the ship, Kylo-Ren had placed his helmet back on his head. But he was still looking down into his arms to admire your beauty. The way you looked so peaceful and at ease when you sleep. The way your face was done perfectly by nature, the way your body twisted and turned. He loved everything about you and he barely knew you! Just through the way the force guided him to you, he could tell it was destiny for him to become your master and more.





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