Makeup - General Ginger

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"Goddammit, Armitage!" you shout back at your boyfriend of a week, General Hux.

"I swear (Y/N) I'll make this work!" he jogs next to you, the patter of his boots raining on the metal floor of the Star Destroyer. A look of concern and dread painted on his face.

"Okay, then start by not trying to touch me under the table while we're in a meeting with Supreme Leader Ren and the top authorities!" you speed up, heading towards your chamber which happens to be next door to Hux's. Workers and stormtroopers stop to look at the new couple bickering a week into their new relationship.

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself, really. It's quite cute when I get you flustered. We can make this work! I won't do it again!" he sprints in front of you, blocking the door of your room. "I promise."

As he says that, your heart takes a joyride through ecstatic town, he promised something for you! General Armitage Hux never reserves promises for anyone and everyone on the Star Destroyer knows it.

Slowly he kneels down to your feet and takes your hand in his. He brings his soft, pale lips to your gloved hand and looks you straight in the eye.

"I promise."

"I worked so hard to be in this Officer ranking, Armitage."

"I know, my love."

"Don't do it again, okay?" you put a hand on your face and rub your eyes.

"You have my word."

You lean from heel to heel, crossing your arm awkwardly.

"Can I treat you to dinner?" he suggests as you finally open the door to your room.

A smile creeps onto your face and you try to cover it by turning back into your room. You close the door without an answer given.




The sound of water droplets exploding on the shower floor runs through your mind. Steam swims in and out of your brain, clearing your head.

You slowly stroke your sopping hair with a black towel completely drenching it. A longer towel draped around your midsection. Without a thought considered, you walk out of your bathroom.

The pleasant moment is soon replaced with panic upon seeing General Hux standing next to your dining table with a full course dinner prepared. Meanwhile, you're standing in front of him half naked and soaked with water.

His emeralds darken a few shades when they roll up and down your dripping body. A devilish half-smirk replaces his proud smile.

"Ummm I uh," you stutter and dive behind your couch.

"I made dinner!" he exclaims and you can tell by his tone that he's teasing.

Your voice finally returns and you quietly disappoint Hux, "I'm going to go change."

He lets out a sigh and shakes his head in disagreement, "I mean- I don't really see why you have to. I could get used to seeing this."

Blood rushes to your cheeks and you feel tingly all around.

"I'm just kidding," he smirks and then whispers, "Not really."


Soon you come back strutting a pair of saggy navy blue sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt, and a REALLY messy bun.

"Don't you look gorgeous?" Hux lights up as you walk towards the dinner table.

You look at him and shoot him an appreciative smile, "Thank you, Armitage. This is absolutely wonderful."

He gives you an accepting nod and you both indulge in the delicious food Hux made like a top chef.

Eventually, you both finish after a bottle of red wine and tons of food eaten. You guys talked about everything from work to childhood aspirations.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Hux asks as he shoos you away from helping him wash dishes.

"What movie? You should pick."

"Atomic Blonde."


"Do you want popcorn?"

"You're not allowed to make me any more food."


"You've busted your ass in this kitchen for God knows how long."

"I do it for you."

"Well get this, I'm popping the popcorn."

"Oh no, you aren't. Now go sit down and put in the movie."

"Come oooonnnnn."

"No, now go sit on the couch."

"Fiiiiinnnnneeeeeeeee jeez." you groan and plan out an attack on the microwave popcorn.

Hux gets the popcorn in order while you scroll on the TV and look at the movies to rent. You find Atomic Blonde and rent it.

Soon, both of you plop down on the couch and start enjoying the entertainment. Not only the entertainment of the TV but the entertainment of an intense cuddling session.

His head is sitting on the armrest and his body is laying towards the ceiling. Your arms are wrapped around his neck, face buried in his jaw. The cologne suffocating your nose in comfort.

"You're so comfortable," you inaudibly mumble into his jawline.

"I can't really understand you when you're mumbling into my neck," he chuckles, the vibrations jolt your body making you grip onto his messy, fiery red hair.

You lift your head from his neck, his smiling face being squinted into view.

"You're comfortable," you groan and shove your head back into his neck.

"I'm glad," he laughs and strokes your (Y/H/C) hair.

Soon enough Hux feels your heart beat slow and your body relax. No words escape from your beautiful lips and all is silent besides the TV and soft breathing.

Hux twirls strands of your hair around his long fingers and smiles to himself. How could I've ever gotten such an amazing woman?

He quietly whispers into your ear not loud enough to stir your sleep, "Goodnight, (Y/N)."




For @SEAGOALS !!!! Sorry this is really short. :/

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