Chapter 3

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"Hi Yoongi." Jimin says with a dust of light pink on his cheeks.

"Hi Yoongi doesn't answer my question Jimin, what are you doing out with this loser??"

"Well you see Hyung after the whole inc-" Jimin was cut off.

"Wait Jimin you are friends with this bully?" Namjoon questioned.

"It's a loonnnggg story, but no I'm not friends with him, and Yoongi this is my math tutor."

"What do you think your doing associating with my Jimin huh?" Yoongi questions the nerd, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him out of his chair.

"His dad contacted me about him needing help with math, please don't hurt me." Namjoon responded, flinching, knowing he was about to get punched.

"YOONGI STOP IT THIS INSTANT!!" Jimin exclaimed, trying to pull the two apart, but to no avail.

Yoongi let go of the tall boy and dusted himself off. Jimin pulled Namjoon to his side, slightly tucked behind him in a protective manner.

"You better watch your fucking place nerd, next time Jiminie won't be here to save you." Yoongi said in a warning tone. He gave a longing glance at Jimin before storming out of the library.

"Watch your place nerd," Jimin said in a mocking tone, slowly turning to Namjoon.

"Hey I'm so sorry that happened, he is so exhausting sometimes." The small boy says with a sigh.

"It's fine, it's not the first time to happen." Namjoon responds, whispering the last part.

"As a apology do you wanna go get some ice cream, my treat of course." Jimin said in a charming, soothing voice.

"Oh UmMmM sure." Namjoon spits out awkwardly, the tone of Jimin's voice made Namjoon's cheeks a light shade of pink.

"Okay lets go!" Jimin slightly yells, getting his backpack and grabbing Namjoon's hand, rushing out of the library.

I need to update more often ughhh 🙄

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