Chapter 4

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"Sooo... how do you know Yoongi ?" Namjoon questioned, still shook about what just went down in the library.

"Well we used to date, until that piece of trash decided to leave me for some cheerleader." Jimin replied, his voice gets slightly louder, and strained, as if he's holding back screams. He continues.

"He used to be my tutor for music, I was failing the class because I couldn't read music that well. I guess that's why I was so apprehensive about getting a tutor again."Jimin's voice returns back to a calm state.

There was a silence. Not an awkward one. Just a peaceful silence. Namjoon's nervousness was calmed by the rhythm of the boys shoes hitting the sidewalk.

After 3 minutes of walking they were finally there.

"Lulu's Ice Cream Parlor?" Namjoon questioned.

"Have you not had their ice cream before?" Jimin answered with another question.

"No but I hear this is a popular hang out spot." Namjoon said, sounding slightly sad. No one had asked him to hang out here before.

"Damn then you don't know what your missing." Jimin smiles and opens the door.

They reach the menu. Jimin already knows what he wants, but Namjoon stares at the menu in awe. So. Many. Options.

"Hi, I'd like to order a double scoop of chocolate with gummy worms on top, and my friend would like to order..." Jimin turns to Namjoon, waiting for him to talk to the person behind the counter.

"Ummmmm, can I have a strawberry shake." Namjoon says, pressing his index finger to his bottom lip, his behavior made it seem like his order was a question.

"That's it? Wow I thought you were gonna dish out because I was paying."

"No, a simple shake for a simple boy." Namjoon says, with a content smile on his face.

"Speaking of simple, your a nerd, but you can't be that boring, tell me about your self." Jimin beams at finding a new topic to talk about. At the same time Namjoon's smile falls at being called a nerd.

"Well... ummmm.. I'm from a small town outside of Seoul called Ilsan. And I uh like writing songs in my free time." Namjoon slowly said. No one every asked him about himself. People just ask him for homework answer or just bully him. No one has really treated him as kind as Jimin has in a long while.

"Oooohhhh I like to write songs to. I'm writing this one write now called 'Serendipity' but I don't really know what to do for the actual music because as I said before I kinda failed music class." Jimin said sound excited.

"Maybe I could help you with the song, I-I mean if you want." Namjoon replied.

"That would be awesome!, plus your kind of fun to hang out with." Jimin yelled jumping in excitement. Namjoon's cheek light up at the compliment.

"Order up for Jimin." A worker behind the counter said, having the ice cream and milkshake in hand.

They collected their desserts and headed out the door. The pink sunset was brighter than normal. It had light stroke of lilac and yellow that looked so picturesque it made Jimin think God painted that sunset just for him and Namjoon to stare at it in awe.

"Woah that beautiful I'm gonna take a picture." Jimin said as he whipped out his phone.

"Ooo lets take a selfie and I'll post the pictures on Instagram. Jimin exclaimed. They got closed and smiled for the camera.

"Okay I'm gonna head home my moms gonna be worried about where I am." Namjoon sighed, being slightly disappointed that he had to leave.

"Okay get home safe!" Jimin gushed waving goodbye to his new friend (future husband?)

They both headed home after that long day.

Time skip

lilchimchim              ...


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❤️ 💬 ☑️2,782 likesLilchimchim Had a great day with @Joonie_————————————-Kookiekrunch is this the nerd you were talking about?

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❤️ 💬 ☑️
Lilchimchim Had a great day with @Joonie_
Kookiekrunch is this the nerd you were talking about?

Yourhope♥️ Omg Y'all so cute 😍

Yoongs 😡😡😡

Joonie I look so awkward I this 😓🤦‍♂️

Jimin's POV

That nerd was kind of cute. UUUGGGHHHHH what am I saying??? Wait, if I date him maybe I can make him more popular instead of being a loser all the time. It wouldn't be so bad either I mean who would wanna start at those cute dimples all day?

Namjoon's POV
That was a weird day. Getting to hang out with a popular kid was insane. And he kept calling me 'friend'. Is he trying to be my actual friend or is he just trying to get close to me because I'm his tutor and I could give him homework answer? Either way as long as I get to see him more often I'll be fine, as long as I get to see his cute squinty smile again.

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