Ⅰ : Always Aiming For My Flat Arse.

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Flipping on her bed, Kristen accidentally came in contact with something, or rather someone. Wiping her eyes sheepishly she rolled over to the colder side of the bed.

The realization hit her; she wasn't alone that morning. She jolted her eyes open and looked to the right side of the bed and saw a figure lying down at a close distance. Strands of hair fell on her face as she raised her head to peep at the man. Her skin turned cold as she recognized the face; it was John Snow.

"Oh shit," cursed Kristen under her breath.

She put her palm on her face to hide the distress from no one. Small glimpse of last night was flashing through her hung-over mind. She remembered letting herself loose and having more than about four shots of tequila and then going to the dance floor at a bar, everything else after that was a blur.

Obviously, having the name exactly same as the star of oh-so-famous TV Series made it easy for John to have women wrapped around his fingers. But for some reason, Kristen was never that into him,or was she? But yesterday night was something else.

Her mind dived further into the night before. The way he was being such a gentleman, the way he held her hand when she got out of the car, and the way his black hair sprawled across his forehead due to lots of dancing and sweating, the way his muscles flexed when he....

Due to a sudden shuffling around her, Kristen spun her head to the right and gaped at John who had hobbled around in his deep slumber. With that being done, she wrapped a blanket around her as she rose and quickly started assembling her clothes.

After being fully dressed without waking up John, she sneaked outside his apartment to breathe in fresh air and of course, to meet her best friend Rosie.


"Hi bitch," greeted Rosie as she motioned Kris to sit down on a chair across the table. Her smile was vibrant that captivated most. She had beautiful chocolate colored skin that complimented her doe eyes.

"Morning hoe," Kristen winked back at her and sat down.

Kris and Rosie had decided to meet up for brunch and to discuss their lives and of course plan this year's holiday set up. They started off with talking about Kristen's wild night and then shifted to Rosie's three day constipation problem.

"This one time I didn't poop for four days and my anxiety got worse, I'm telling ya, it's good you saw a doctor," said Kristen as she popped three French Fries at once in her mouth.

"I know right? Now I feel so relieved and light." Rosie laughed. "So, where do you want us to go this year on Christmas?"

Kristen looked at her and sighed. "I don't know man, last year was such a fail. I got so many hate mails after my party that made everyone spend their weekend in toilet."

"Look it wasn't your fault, besides Dona wouldn't get an invite this year."

"I don't know what girl's problem is... Always aiming for flat my arse."

They both looked at each other in amusement and burst in into fits of giggles.

An hour or two passed by as they discussed their adventures with a genuine smile on their faces, motioning with their hands to make the perfect gesture and snorting on intervals because they were so comical.

"Anyway I'm gonna let you enjoy your Burrito, I have to get some supplies for work." Kristen got up from her seat and ran her hands through her floral dress to straighten it. "See you later, Hoe."

"Bitch." Rosie smiled.


While coming out of departmental store Kris's phone started ringing. She stopped on a pavement and unzipped her sling bag to take her phone out. She looked at the phone and saw the caller ID read John. She had no idea why on earth would John call her.

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