Chapter Two

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Katie rubbed the back of her head as he explained:
"Well someone shot an arrow at me when we were eating, Katie sprinted towards me and grabbed the arrow from the air, then she spun and threw it back at the attacker. It was truly amazing how quick her instincts are. To say thank you my father made her my personal maid, ranking her up and making her my bodyguard." With that her parents looked at Katie approvingly and Lotor and Zarcon looked shocked. Then one of the guards laughed maniacally and shot a knife in Lances direction.
"So my brothers failed to kill you!" With that Katie shot up grabbing her spade from the cage of her dress, blood trickled down her hand as she grabbed the knife. Wincing slightly, she then shot her bayard and tied the attacked in it. Pressing a button and shocking him. Once she had done that he was on the floor and she dropped the knife.
"Are you okay?" She asked. This proved her speed. Lotor sped to her side with bandages and wipes. Cleaning the wound and wrapping it stiffly. Then she stood straight up and thanked the prince. She bowed slightly and dismissed herself from the table. To go wash up and make sure nobody else was here to kill the Prince. She summoned her bayard back to her hand. Then made sure her glasses weren't on the edge of her nose. Then she sheathed the bayard into the cage.

Her glasses changed colour to a light green, then transformed into visor lens. she looked at every book and cranny. The guards bowed at her when she walked past and she bowed politely back. Until she saw a guard not bow. She looked at him and his aura flowed a red.
"So you are another assassin?" She asked politely, making herself look innocent, and making sure her glasses were back to normal. He smirked at her.
"Smart one eh? Yes I am," he grabbed her unexpected leg and grabbed all of her weapons sheathed.
"Very smart one." He stated. He chuckled as he carried her over his shoulder.
"I'm the last one so, I am just gonna take you instead of assassinating the no good Prince. You might serve as a better deal to the man we assassins work for." With that she shut up. Making sure not to do anything. Making it seem as if she was sleeping. She must have been a good actor because he fell for it.

When they got to his base she had her hands tied behind her back. Firm. She was carried but after a while set laying down on a comfy surface. She pretended to yawn and then freak out.
"Where am I?" She asked to no one in particular. But a voice answered her.
"In my lair, sorry to tie you up, but we cannot trust you. Lance might be joining you later, without his bodyguard to help him, we still don't understand  where they are." Katie sat up, eyes widened. She stood up, jumping over her arms so she could have her hands in front of her. A whistle came from no direction in particular but it frightened her.
"Denis you weren't kidding when you said she was smart." She rolled her eyes. The shadow came out.
"No no no get away from me. Please don't come any closer." She begged. The person in front of her. He was a very old friend. From when she was a child. Lance never used to thank him like he did the others or praise him. That's possibly one of the reasons he was after Lance. He came closer.
"Katie?" He asked. Suddenly music from nowhere began.
(Play le song!)
You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can up and run
Leave me just as empty as the day you came
And you hold all the cards, all the broken hearts
Strung over your shoulder till it's all in vain
And only you know the strength of your teeth
The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep
And lonely
You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can
In the palm of your hands
You can make me dance
Spin me around in circles till I'm wrapped in string
You keep on talking sweet till your fingers bleed
But don't you dare ask me how I've been
Now only you know the strength of your teeth
The wash in the weight of your pockets, so deep
And lonely
You're a world away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?
Are you happy now?
You're the only one who can
You're the only, you're the only
You're the only one who can
You're the only, you're the only
World away
Somewhere in the crowd
In a foreign place
Are you happy now?
There's nothing left to say
So I shut my mouth
So won't you tell me, babe
Are you happy now?

It was true the two used to date, but he grew distant and broke her heart. That's when she vowed to never fall in love again. He voice stopped the notes. Tears in her eyes. He held her chin.
"Katie I'm sorry," he cut her loose. She just stay there limp in his arms. Shaking, trembling crying. He got up to leave until she spoke.
"Jace, Jace please don't leave me again. I'm lonely, I have to injure your assassins or I'll loose my head." She whimpered. Jace smiles as he held her in his embrace.
"Why don't we go back to that castle together Katie?" He suggested. She nodded. Smiling up through tears eyes at him. He picked her up gracefully. Then she  actually fell asleep, in his arms. He began to walk with her in his arms.

Once they passed through the musical forest and rustling leaves, they came to the castle. Guards held their spears and swords to Jace's neck. He looked down and so did they. They apologised and allowed him and Katie past. He walked to the dining room, where dinner was still being had. Lance was talking to Katie's Parents as Lotor and Zarcon spoke to each other. When Jace cleared his throat was when they turned to look at him.
"It seems that Katie has been crying in the forest." Lance stared at the girl. She seemed so soundly asleep but could tel because of her puffy red cheeks that she had been crying.
"Why would she cry?" Lotor Asked rudely. Jace smirked.
"Because she is being tasked with being a maid and a bodyguard plus she is younger than all of the others with two tasks, she is 14 almost 15 years old. The others are 18-21 years old." Jace replied. Obviously practice iced that in his head on the way. Lotor looked at the girl worriedly. Lance then rushed over to her.
"I remember you, you're Jace. You got the sack for slacking off and punching a guard." Jace glared at the prince.
"That was Keith, but I got the blame. Even Griffin believes it wasn't me. And so does Katie-Kat here." Lance growled at him using a new nickname. Jace jumped back slightly. Holding her firmly in his arms as to not drop her. He gently placed her down on the clear part of the table and then went to brawl with Lance. They clashed fists and Lotor helped Lance. Jace's henchmen helped him, then more guards joined. Katie woke up to all the fuss and sighed deeply.
"Quiznack." She whispered under her breath as she got up. Grabbing Lance and Lotor in headlocks and Jace and Zarcon by the ears.
"Ow ow ow ow ow, Katie/Pidge!" They all Yelled. She let go.
"Explain." Were the words that left her gritted teeth. Jace stood forward.
"When you were asleep I called you Katie-Kat, after being wrongly and falsely accused to have been violent and bad at my job, Lance growled. So I set you down and he threw a fist. Lotor and Zarcon and my henchmen joined to help." Lance nodded so did Lotor and all the lads seemed ashamed of themselves.
"It's fine. Lance don't over react, Jace don't fight back. Nobody else joins they wake me up next time." She commanded. Then her stern voice became calm once more.
"anyway, everyone it's been a long day, let's get some rest. For Tomorrow we sleep. (Jk jk, Rick and Morty reference (altered slightly)) bye." With that they all parted directions, Katie got Lance ready for sleep and then helped Lotor, then Jace. Zarcon was more than capable to do this alone. Especially with his wife by his side...

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