twenty + nine

148 9 1

Harry looked nervous, tapping his foot away at supper. To be fair, everyone at the table was nervous. All except Zayn, maman, and I. His hand was on my thigh from beneath the table, and mine was holding his gently. He sat at the front of the table, and I was on his left hand side- where Therese usually sat.

Maman was on his right hand side, being fed her vegetables peacefully. She seemed content with Zayn's proclamation.

It was the servants job to feed the royals, of course after trying the meal themselves first. There has never been a poisoned lord, but there have been several poisoned servants. It was their duty to eat the food first, and if they refused they would die. This was a form of self preservation.

It is protocol. The servants were to bow before the lord and feed him the foods he preferred, banquets upon banquets of food on the table. It was also necessary to wash hands before and after the meal, as well as a prayer.

The table was tense, the only things being heard were the knifes and forks clicking together. Therese was sitting at the end of the table, just staring at her food. It was odd. Caviar was her favorite meal yet she would not touch it.

"What happens to Madame Therese after the annulment?" Zayn's little sister, lady Safaa, asked with innocent blue eyes. Therese began to cry at Zayn's silence.

"Safaa!" Their mother, a sweet lady with hazel eyes scolded her. Madame Patricia pitied Therese, I could see it in her eyes. I could tell she pitied me too, by the way her eyes glanced at me from time to time. Poor Aurelie, trapped between two men. In love with two men as different as sun and moon, light and dark.

"It is alright mother. She shall return home to Geniva, and is able to visit her brother on holidays." Zayn spoke with precision.

"If you love Madame Aurelie then what will happen? Will Knight Harry annul Madame Aurelie?"

"Never." Harry spoke for the first time all night, just as Zayn said, "Perhaps."

Both men cleared their throats and I just watched as this unraveled before my eyes. My left hand was under the table, holding Zayn's in secret. My right hand was above the table, holding Harry's proudly.

Safaa was laughing, and I giggled along with her. "May Safaa and I be excused, my lord?"

"You may. Come by my chambers tonight."

I nod and bid everyone far well before taking Safaa's hand. When we walk, the guards follow closely completely armed with weapons. We walk to the stables. Safaa had a flare for horses. She was a wonderful rider and was known for winning trophies and performing before the king- their beloved father.

It is presumed that when the king retires, the whole family shall move to the castle. The heir of the manor shall stay here and begin a new family. Zayn will stay here and his sisters, brother, and mother will return to the main castle in Paris.

"Are you excited for Christmas?"

The king, Yasser, will come and visit the manor to meet the woman carrying his grandson. He will retrieve his wife and children to bring them back home. Then they will return in summer, again. This cycle continues generation throughout generation.

"I miss my father but I prefer it here. I do not want to return, it is so lonely and big there."

"I understand how a castle can feel like a prison."

"I will miss you. The baby will be born when I return. I cannot wait to meet my niece or nephew."

"Neither can I." I smile, boosting her up on a horse.

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