forty + two

112 11 2

Time moved slowly as I watched the events unfold. First it was two men who stood, rifles in the air. Then it was four. Then there was one. I looked around as people screamed and ran in every direction, multiple people falling one by one. I stood there dumbly, not believing the chaos, as guards ushered me away.

My head turned as I was pulled away, looking in horror as bodies fell and blood scattered. The screams were loud enough for the whole world to hear. The blood of my brothers and sisters fell and cracked the earth, screaming out for help. Only no one could help them.

Not anymore.

I was so close to the door, so close to freedom, when I felt a jolt of pain shoot up my leg. I looked down as blood oozed from my legs. There were three holes in my golden dress.

That was the last thing I saw.


My head pounded as I awoke. My first reaction was to stand, but I could not, for once I moved I screamed. The pain was unbearable. Maidens rushed to my side, and I was weeping as I sat there.

"Where's my babies and my mother and my.. my.. my Zayn? And Harry too, where's Harry?"

"Your children and mother are well. They have been relocated to the palace."

"Your husband-"

"Zayn. Where is Zayn?"

"I'm right here." Said a voice to my left. I turned my head slowly, to see Zayn laying on the bed beside me. He looked defeated, his color various shades below average. I inhaled deeply while surveying his body with my eyes. Relief filled my body as I realized he had not been hurt.

"There is much so say, in such little time."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I knew there would be protestors. There always are some, but never ones armed. They hid their pistols inside their boots. Six men.. six of my men betrayed us yesterday. Sixteen men were killed who attended the ceremony. They went mostly for family, I suppose to hurt me. No clergy got hurt, nor did any visitors."

"Who.. why would they.."



"Your husband. He was behind the silver mask who shot at my head. He missed. Either by luck or on purpose... he hit the crown instead."

"How could he do this?"

"He has yet to tell anyone. He is smart, he knows once he talks he will die and he was one request."

"The children?"

"Us. He wants to speak to us."

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