Meme Queen (and king)

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"Welcome to Wakanda!" Tony shook the sleeping fifteen year old next to him.

"Wakanda nonsense is this?" The teen mumbled sleepily, sitting up properly in his seat.

Clint laughed as the door opened into the high tech city that surrounded them. The Avengers stepped out and were instantly greeted with a scream of joy.

"Adam!" a teenage girl came racing towards them, engulfing Peter in a bone crushing hug.

"Miss Keisha!" Peter shouted, hugging her back, "Miss Keisha, I could've dropped my quackson!"

"Peter, it's pronounced croissant," Steve berated the teen, clearly confused and too old too understand the wonders of vine and memes.

"Just ignore them," T'Challa said as the two teens ran off giggling. "They're a danger to society but there's not a lot I can do about that unfortunately."

"Yes well," Tony started before he was cut off by being hit with an empty bottle and a shout of "YEET!" "Why do I bother?" He asked himself, sighing.

A couple of hours later, the teens had yet to reappear from wherever they had disappeared to.

"Should we go find them?" Bucket asked, lounging on the plush sofas in T'Challa's 'palace'.

"Nah, they'll turn up when they're hungry" Tony replied, leaning back and closing his eyes.

All of a sudden, a deafening crash was heard. They all leapt to their feet and sprinted towards the source of the noise.

They shoved open a door and froze like an antelope in headlights. Peter was lying on the floor, clutching his leg, laughing along with Shuri.

"Mother trucker dude," he wheezed out between laughs, "that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick." Shuri laughed harder and promptly fell over.

"What just happened?" Natasha asked, glancing towards the Kermit puppet on the floor next to Peter.

"We were going to make Kermit kill himself by jumping out of the window," Shuri laughed, "but Peter," she laughed harder, waving for Peter to continue.

"I tried to open the window but I fell back and hit my leg on the table." He snorted, trying to sit up.

"You was going to make Kermit kill himself...?" Steve asked slowly. "Why?"

"Because," Shuri wheezed, "because he's not a Cookie Monster, and Peter offended him by calling him one."

"You know it's a puppet? It can't actually think or speak." Tony informed them, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Can I get a waffle?" Peter suddenly piped up, glancing towards Shuri.

Shuri grinned and screamed, "CAN I PLEASE GET A WAFFLE?!"

"You know what?" Peter asked, looking towards Bucky.

"What?" Bucky replied hesitantly.

"I'm about to say it," The teenager decided.

"Say what?" The solider frowned.

Peter stood up and looked Bucky in the eye. "I don't care that you broke your elbow."

The entire congregation burst out laughing except for Bucky who was extremely confused.

"Why do we let you two hang out together?" Clint asked, laughing.

"Because we are amazing!" Shuri stated, "And I'm a giraffe!"

Natasha nodded slowly, "okay, I'm concerned about your mental well-being."

"Yeah well," Peter slung an arm around Shuri, " at least we haven't killed anyone yet!"

Tony glared at him, "you'd better not kill anyone at all."

Shuri looked shifty, "we won't kill anyone!"

"Okay," Steve frowned, "but we have to take Peter home now," This was greeted by immediate groans and protests, "but he'll be back soon okay?"

"Fine," Peter sighed, hugging Shuri before handing her a wrapped lump.

"A present?" She asked, ripping off the wrapping paper, a small green object rolled out onto the floor. "It's an avocado! Thanks!"

The two teens began laughing again, Steve quite literally had to carry Peter back to the quinjet he was laughing so hard.

T'Challa was dreading the next time the two teens met.

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