Chapter One.

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The shrill bell of the school sounded in the hallways, signaling the end to another year of high school. Almost immediately the empty hallway was swarmed with a sea of students, the roar of their voices bouncing off the walls and lockers as they all pushed to the doors and spilled onto the sidewalk outside.

Amidst the sea of teenagers, the cheer-leaders, football players, the band members and the geeks, Cassie Logan aimlessly weaved to the front door.

She bumped into one of her sister's friends who was on the cheer-leading squad but the girl never noticed her.


She turned just as her best friend Jared rushed to her side, she slowed her pace so he could catch up but continued walking.

"Ready for summer break?" He asked.

"I guess," She said with a shrug.

"I'm thinking, ice cream dates, drive-in movies and plenty of hot lifeguards at the beach," Jared said, tossing an arm over her shoulders.

"Hot lifeguards? did you break up with Trey again?" She asked.

"No, we're taking a much-needed breather. Besides...I'm way too good for him anyway."

"I can't argue with that," She agreed.

They finally broke free of the crowd and reached the steps leading to their school. Cassie turning  towards the bike rack and Jared following her.

"If only your sister would break up with that herculean god she's been dating and give me a chance with him," He said with a wistful sigh.

Cassie shook her head and knelt down to undo the chain holding her trusty bike to the bike rack.

As if on cue her twin sister Carly and her boyfriend Levi Hastings exited the school, unlike most days though today they weren't hanging all over one another.

"I can't believe you Carly," Levi said as they paused a few yards from Cassie and Jared.

"Look this was just a high-school fling Levi, not forever. You're going to college in the fall and I still have another year here."

"I was willing to at least try and make it work," He shot back.

Cassie slowly stood glancing at Jared who wasn't even pretending not to be interested.

"Levi, it's not you..."

"Are you really trying to pull that card? You're unbelievable."

Levi glanced to his left and saw Jared and Cassie, he gave a slight wave to Cassie but ignored Jared.

"Hey, Cas." He said quickly.


Cassie's identical twin sister Carly had been dating Levi for nearly two years. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with dark brown hair that was always a little too long and the bluest eyes Cassie had ever seen. Carly had been dating him since she was fourteen but Cassie had been in love with him since they were five.

"I can't talk about this right now!" Carly said throwing up her hands.

She turned and stormed back into the school, her brown ponytail and blue cheer-leading skirt swishing with every step.

Levi sighed, rubbing the back of his neck he glanced again at Cassie and Jared then turned and started walking home.

"What was that about?" Jared asked, unable to contain his excitement.

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