Chapter Seven.

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She was in her room watching yet another episode of HOUSE, one of the best things about summer break was binge-watching her favorite shows, Carly was out again for the day and her father was at work. Downstairs she could hear her mother bustling around preparing dinner for the two of them.

As the episode ended she rolled off of her bed, heading downstairs to the kitchen. Her mom was currently chopping vegetables.

"Need any help?"

"No thanks sweetie, I got it."

"I'm kind of bored with t.v."

"Well, you can run to the store if you want too, grab something yummy for dessert. Maybe get some ice cream at that little shop downtown you and Jared love."

"Okay," She turned to head for the back door and began pulling on her shoes.

"Do you need money?" Her mom asked.

"No, I got it."

Over the past two years, Cassie had made odd money while babysitting for neighbors and pet sitting for some others. She saved most of what she made but didn't like bothering her parents for money.

"Don't hurry back, It will be a few hours before dinner," Her mother called as she closed the door.

She pulled her bike from the rack her dad had made her and swung onto it, heading towards the store. It was a few blocks and she enjoyed riding her bike around the town.

She went to the store first, in the back there was a small bakery and the donuts were her moms favorite. If you got there early enough they usually had some freshly made.

She reached the bakery happy to see she was in time to select some donuts and decided to get some for her sister and her dad as well. She gathered the donuts and was walking towards the checkouts at the front of the store, lost in her own thoughts when a voice called out to her, or rather to her sister.

"Carly!..Carly, wait up!" A woman called.

Cassie paused and turned to see Levis mom hurrying down the aisle, pushing a shopping cart. Levi was walking along behind his mother at a slower more careful pace, he now had a walking stick to help him navigate the world.

"Oh...Cassie, I'm sorry dear. From behind you two look identical," His mother said.

"It's fine."

"I just wanted to see how your sister is holding up, I haven't seen her since before...before the accident. I'm sure this is hard on her."

Cassie glanced at Levi who was leaning against the cart, staring off at nothing obviously he hadn't told his parents about him and her sister.

"Oh...Uhm...yeah, I know it's hard for her."

"How about you? Are you doing okay? I know you were there with him...I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

His mom looked near tears and Levi looked uncomfortable, Cassie knew that his mom was burning out. Her son who had always been perfect was now completely dependent on others to help him navigate and while she was a good, loving mom, she needed a break.

"I'm doing okay, I'm glad someone was there with him."

His mom glanced back at him then forced a watery smile.

"I'm getting the silent treatment for making him leave the house to come shopping," She admitted.

"Why don't he and I go for ice cream while you finish up?" Cassie offered.

"You don't have somewhere to be?"


"Oh, that would be nice. Wouldn't that be nice Levi?" His mom asked.

He offered a solemn shrug and she gave a reassuring nod at Cassie.

Cassie smiled back then walked over to take Levi by the arm that wasn't holding his stick.

"Come on, I'll buy you a sundae," She teased.

He allowed her to lead him from the grocery store and down the street to the ice cream store.

"You shouldn't be so hard on your mom," She pointed out.

"She treats me I'm a toddler again, or like my brain is messed up. I just lost my sight not my mind."

"She's scared, she loves you, she's...under a lot of stress."

"Yeah, I know but so am I."

They entered the ice cream parlor and Levi hung back as the approached the counter.

"What's wrong?" Cassie asked, turning to him.

"I can't...I can't see...I can't read the menu..."He said softly, embarrassment all over his face.

"Oh.." She fell silent, she knew without asking he wouldn't want her to read it out loud, or patronize him.

"Okay, let's get you to a table I have a great idea."

She helped him to a booth and he slid in, ducking down slightly in the booth.

She watched him stare out the window he couldn't see while the girls behind the counter prepared their order and slid it to her on the red plastic tray.

She reached their booth setting down the tray and sliding in across from him.

"Okay, so on this tray I have 33 flavors of ice cream. Samples of course and I have a menu so all you have to do is try and it and guess the flavor."

He chuckled and sat up in the booth looking a little more like his old self.

"What do I get if I win?" He asked.

"Whatever you want."

"Alright, give me the first one."

"I'll even start you off easy," She teased handing him a small cup with a tinier spoon.

He took a bite hesitated a minute then shook his head sliding the small cup aside.

"Mint chocolate chip, too easy."


She grabbed another cup and handed it to him, he waited a minute before taking a bite.

"Have you heard from Carly?" He asked.

"Not really, she's been...out."

"Strawberry...she's seeing someone," He said handing her the cup.

"Right again, I don't know, I haven't seen anyone." She handed him a new cup.

"Come on Cas, I'm not stupid and neither are you, she's seeing someone." He took the cup scraping the small sample into a ball on the tiny spoon.

"How are you holding up?" She asked.

"Better other know...the obvious...Vanilla," he handed her the cup.

"Right, has she contacted you at all?" She switched his empty cup for a full one.

"She stopped by the other day...I mean...she...I thought we made some progress but that's been it."


"Yeah, I know... flavored," He grimaced and handed it back.

"That's my favorite one."

"It's gross."

She laughed and handed him a new cup, he caught her hand this time. Holding it tightly in his he gave it a small squeeze.

"Thank you...for...for today." He said.

"You're welcome, now come on we have a long way to go."

He laughed and this time took the cup from her hand and he didn't mention her sister again.

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