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Caixukun's POV

Glad that's settled now, sighing in relief as I exited the building. It seemed like a wonderful day to go visit the park. The park has always been the place we went to the most.

She would've loved to go with me though. It was our idea of a "perfect date". To be honest, anything is, as long as we were together.

I finally arrived at there after 10 minute walk. I expected kids everywhere, playing tag or families having picnics together. But instead, everyone was gathered in a place, what seems like a busking event. I decided to check it out.

As I got closer, I heard familiar voices.

Ziyi? Linkai?, I immediately thought. I can't be mistaken, it's their rapping.

I aggressively pushed from the crowd to go in front. And I wasn't wrong.

Ziyi and Linkai performed a busking event alongside three guys I don't recognize. My mouth fell open. So this is what they've been doing without me?

I watched in the front row with my arms crossed the whole time until they were done. They didn't seem to notice me though, because the two bastards were too immersed in their performance.

When they were finally finished, I stayed till the crowd went away little by little. Then they noticed me.

"Brooo!" Ziyi attacked me with a hug. "We did amazing right?"

I didn't answer.

"You guys were amazing!" I heard Xiao Gui yelled to the three guys I don't recognize as Ziyi and I walk closer to them.

"Thank you, gege." One said. He looked really young and had a childish vibe in him. I recalled their performance and I'm sure he danced and rapped pretty well.

"We earned a lot!" Yelled another. First thing I noticed, he was really good looking, a visual god. He rapped with a deep voice, I remember.

"Thank you so much for everything." The third one said. He sang and danced during the performance and he looked beautiful.....wait, what?

What the heck. Did I really just think of that?

"Stop the formalities, Zhengting!" Linkai put his arm around this Zhengting guy.

"Oh! Kunkun! You're here." I walked to him and he gave me a fist bump, which resulted in that Zhengting guy looking at me.

"Y-you're.."  he trailed off. "...ahh.. forget it."

"Cut the crap guys. Let's get coffee. It's on me." Ziyi offered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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