Chapter 2

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"Evening, Professor." Draco greeted as he entered the Potion Master's office.

The tone of voice he used did not make his anxiety known. In fact, Snape probably thought he sounded snarky. Any other professor would have taken points off him, but this was Professor Snape, and Draco was a Slytherin.

"Such formalities won't work on me Mr. Malfoy, as you well know."

Draco had to admit, being called 'Mr. Malfoy stung a little. But was it because of the name Malfoy, or because it was such an impersonal name from someone he was so close to most of the time? He didn't know. Either way, he would be wise to watch his tongue - Snape obviously wasn't in a good mood.

"Just thought I'd be polite."

"Well why don't you be polite, and tell me what, in Merlin's name, have you done to your hair?"

Draco had to bite his tongue to keep from saying that he hadn't done anything in Merlin's name. That would only get him in more trouble. It was even harder to not simply day 'I dyed it', since Draco had thought it to be obvious. It took a lot of willpower not the blurt that one out.

"I'm... well, I-"

"Let me rephrase. I'm well aware of what you did. My question should be why did you do it?"

Draco bit his lip. This time, holding back what he wanted to say would be an insult to his entire reasoning. What could Snape do anyway? Tell his father? Well, good.

"Because fuck the Malfoy thing, that's why."

"What?" Snape narrowed his eyes, "What Malfoy thing?"

"All of it," Draco snapped, "the name, the traits, the ideals and opinions. The hair colour. Just... everything."

Snape started in on him after that.

"You have no choice which family you belong to Mr. Malfoy, whether you want one or not-"

"I know but-"

"-not that you should want a choice to rebel anyway. You belong to one of the most valued wizarding families-"

"I disagree-"

"-and you would do well to appreciate that. You're putting your entire worth on the line here-"

"That's not-"

"-and your father's too. Even something as simple as dyeing your hair could be mistaken for a full blown rebellion on your part-"

"Well, that's what-"

"-and it's in your best interests-"

"Yeah, right-"

"-that you don't let that get around."

"Or what?"

"Furthermore," Snape continued, completely ignoring Draco, "with current events as they are-"

"You mean Voldemort-"

"-do you really think it wise to leave behind the protection you have simply by having the name Malfoy-"

"You mean having a one way ticket to be-a-Death-Eater-or-die ville-"

"-just because of teenage angst? He'd have you killed, or your family killed, and you know he isn't against that. Lucius Malfoy is seen as a coward as it is already-"

"Because he is one-"

"-and if you desert him now-"

"Fuck you!" Draco finally roared, anger radiating from his body in waves at the fact that he'd been ignored in comparison with Snape's pathetic arguments.

"I beg your-"

"Fuck. You." Draco repeated, "You know less than you think you do about me. So does my father for that matter. Well, screw you both. I don't want to be a part of it, and I'm not going to be anymore. The blue hair is only the first change I'm making. I don't care what you, or my father, or Lord freakin' Voldemort thinks."

Snape was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes trained pointedly at Draco, who stood strong, his grey eyes blazing with anger, glaring back at him.

The potions master softened.

"You really mean that?"


"Even if - when - it comes to cost your life."

"Especially then."

Snape visibly relaxed.

"What?" Draco snapped.

"Do what you need to do Draco. I'll do what I need to do. But watch yourself - there is something so much bigger going on here, but I can' t- and frankly won't - stop you."

"You... you won't?"

Snape shook his head, albeit with a small sigh, before giving a wave of dismissal. Draco paused for a moment, but turned to leave. If Snape was letting him leave, then he was absolutely going to go.

"Mr. Malfoy," Snape called again when Draco was at the door, "It cannot be know to anybody else outside this room what was said, understand? I must keep up a façade that you have disappointed myself and your family. You must keep up a façade that you despise everything I stand for; perhaps as though I'm trying to force you to give up your endeavour. Do you understand?"

"Certainly." Draco replied blankly.

That wouldn't be a difficult feat.


I'm sorry it's kinda short and took me a while to sort. But things have been super busy here, since we're having to move, and also school starts up tomorrow and I'm borderline panicking just thinking about it, especially since it's pointless. I just... ugh, things haven't been going so great. I'll try my best to get on track but I can't promise anything ://

Please feel free to leave a comment, I'd love to see what everybody thinks of this. Thank you ^.^

~ Jupiter x

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