Chapter 3

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Snape had stayed true to his word. And his 'façade' as he put it was very convincing indeed. None of the Slytherins knew what had happened, other than, suddenly the potions master now apparently hated the ground which his former favourite student walked, and the air in which he breathed. And the Slytherins didn't know, then the Gryffindors didn't stand a chance. Though, Draco guessed the lions would be just as happy that they were less of a target with Draco there.

Maybe this change wasn't good enough for all of them however. Draco kept catching glances Potter throughout their potions lesson, every time he did, Potter was staring right at him. His expression was unreadable, but Potter didn't look away. The attention made him uncomfortable, but he tried not to show it. That wouldn't accomplish anything. While he wasn't acting eith specifically Malfoy ego, he needed conviction if he was ever going to pull this off. And Merlin's beard, he wanted to pull this off. He had to. This now might have worse consequences if he failed, than if he succeeded.

So he truly did try to push past the uncomfortable feeling and focus on paying as little attention as possible to Snape trying to find some way to insult his near perfect potion other than the colour was a little off, and how it should be slightly more transparent than his was. He simply made a comment that if he was so fussed about the transparency, Draco might as well have handed him a goal of water, losing himself two points from Slytherin.

He didn't care.

All he could focus on were the eyes he could feel boring holes into the back of his head.


I know, I know, this is so heccin short. It probably would have done better added to the end of the last chapter, but I'd intended it to be much longer. I'm just really not feeling this chapter, it feels forced where the others just flowed so... I made it shorter so I could push past it and maybe stpp procrastinating this one so much.

Despite the shortness, I hope you enjoyed it ^.^

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