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a/n: alright before anyone reads this I would like you to follow Sonic_Fastes_Runner she is the best writer I've ever talked to. also don't forget to follow,vote and comment or just do one of them. I don't mind.

"I can assure you miss erza,he's well enough to go home. though keep him away from blood and make sure he's not near loud noise's" "why's that?" "his split personality will take over and go on a killing spree" "I see" knock,knock. "ash,your sister's here to bring you home" ash turned around to face his big sister (eliza my sister wanted to be the oldest) "erza?" "yes" "it's been years since I've seen you. you've grown up" "well I am 20" "your making me sound like a little kid" "your 4 years younger than me" "still" "come on,let's go home. I've decorated your room just the way you would like it" erza smiled. ash smiled back and took erza's hand to go get his belongings.

to the car....

as erza drove home she noticed her little brother's quietness. "so ash,my friends are coming over for a sleep over. did you wanna meet them?" " thanks. can I stay in my room" "of cause. whatever you want little brother" erza smiled.  "t-thanks" ash smiled weakly. "no probs. hey if ya want I can bring you my favourite cake up" "a-are ya sure?! you never let anyone have any cake" "I'm positive" eventually the siblings arrived at home "come on, i'll show you to your room" erza led her brother to his room,revealing a beautiful king size bed,blue walls with white shelves that had DVD'S,CD'S,BOOKS,and his two teddies luka the rabbit and pluto the bear. he also had a t.v on the wall,a set of white draws that contained new clothes and on top of it was lots of blue bells,he had a white nightstand next to his bed that had a lamp on top underneath was some new art books for him, near his window was a art section where he could stare out the window and get inspiration not to mention the lovely white curtains that had bluebells on them. "it''s just like that other garden" tears started to leak down ash's face. "I thought you would like it" "like it? I love it. it's beautiful. thank you erza,your the best sister ever" he saidas he hugged her. "and your the best little brother ever" ding,dong! ash began to heavily pant,dueto the bell scaring him "ash it's only the bell. it's fine" erza reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace (above) "here anytime you get mad,scared or anything that'll make your personality change play this" mother did give me it but I'm going to give it to you "thank you" ash opened it and it began to play a lullaby.

"it plays all of your favourite lullaby's non stop,well if you close it then it'll stop" "thanks againg,now you better get the door before your friends start to get impatient" erza nodded and ran out of ash's door and answered the front door. "hey erza!"~amy. "amy can you keep it down" "something wrong darling?"~rouge. "I have a headache" "is there anyway we can help"~amy. "yeah,keep the noise down and not slam things about" "ok" 'I know lying's wrong but I have to make sure ash is comfortable'

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