Ch 5

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I've been planning ways to kill blitz but no such luck "man,planing brutal murders on your ex is actually harder than I thought" I sighed as I stretched out on the floor. I waited to hear ash say something back at me yet he stayed very quiet. "Hello?" I look up to see that he wasn't even facing me. "Hey, are you ignoring me?" He didn't even move,was he even breathing? "Hey say something" I sat up and scooted closer to him,yet he didn't even yell at me to get away from him. "Are you mad at me?" I stood up and walked until I was a foot away from him. "Look at me" I grabbed his face and yanked it until it was facing me,but his eyes weren't open. "...please tell me your still alive." I grabbed his shoulders and started to lightly shake him. "Tell me to go away or tell me that you won't let me kill anyone" I started to go faster and faster until I was violently shaking him,I could hear the chains around his wrist clash against the brick wall and against itself. I could also feel something warm slide down my cheeks as I basically shook him like a rag doll. "For fuck sake open your god damn eyes before I rip them open!" I shook him with all my might,then slowly I stopped shaking him. his eyes did not open,he didn't move,and I don't even think he was breathing anymore. "...please,don't bail on me, your the reason I was created,why I am here again" I basically clawed my hands into his shoulders as I waited for something to happen eventually I let go of him and sat down,curling myself into a ball. I felt like....crying for once......until I heard metal clinking against something. I look up to see him stretching out his arms. He seemed happy until he look down at me with a frown.

"Why are you next to me?" I shrugged.

"Were you sleeping?"~me.

"Yes,I was.just like any sane person" ha,silly me. forgetting each time about his heavy sleeping dilemma. "Forgot that sleeping is actually a thing" I chuckled out as I whipped my cheeks of any fluids. "You always do" "Yeah. I guess I never learn,huh?" "Yeah. But seriously though your in my personal space" "hehe,there's no such thing as personal inside this room of ours" "I wish there was" I laughed at him. "I'm glad there isn't"it was silent until I noticed ash looked sad."Hey,why do you look so sad? you wasn't sad when we got out of the hospital nor when you was with your sister and her friends" I said as I sat up in front of the glum green-eyed wolf who looked like he wanted to cry but just somehow couldn't.....

"I'm still hanged up from all your damn murders...but something deep down inside of's like butterflies. But it only happens when I'm near...shadow." I looked him in the eye,his light shiny green eyes now hold a familiar I crossed my arms and tilted my head in puzzlement. "I remember when you said that before,back when you were with Blitz and we were killing for shits and giggles" "you still do you damn psycho!" I chuckled at his little outburst as I shook my head. "It's starting to get boring just to let you know" "it is?"

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