~1~ Knots From Past-1

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I was busy reading Nora Roberts, lying on my favourite couch, oscillating my legs up in air, just when a golden beam of sunlight reflecting from the mirror attracted my attention. Abruptly I saw from the mirror someone running through the corridor. I couldn't see his face but roughly though it was tall man in Prussian blue blazer. He just reminded me of him.

Leaving all my thoughts my senses told me to follow and see who it was. I threw my book and crept out of my room as fast as I could just to see who has entered my house. I just saw only his shoes climbing up and vanishing in the darkness.

Those same type of sport shoes that...... he used to wear. I ran across the corridor and went upstairs.

I saw the person have some severe conversation with my dad. My dad....what to tell you about him. He is the most important and optimistic person in my life. He is the best dad ever. He is young and handsome from heart even though he is in his mid fifties.

I just observed the person from his top to bottom. He was exactly the the same person from behind. Same height... same hairstyle... same pose... Means....is he here? But why? Why is he here today? After that night. Please god it may not be him. I don't want any turmoil in my peaceful life.

I mustered all my courage and crawled closer very slickly. My mind was full of fear...I didn't want to face him after so many years...what will I say?...what will he say?...and first of all why in the whole world he came to my house only?...

All these things were running past my mind when the person turned back and my life took a reverse gear as he was none other than him, Chris.... All the past memories flashed in front of my mind.

"Hey, would you like to have a drink with me?"

I turned around to see who was caring for me in the whole damn party where no one was bothered about others and all were just dancing upon their tune. And I was the least interested. I had only been there because my friends forced me to.

"Hello beautiful," He said as I turned. He was really very smart looking and handsome guy whom any girl would get attracted. Those blue eyes...that attitude in them... they were so attractive.

"Would you?" He asked raising his eyebrow. I just gave a light smile and signed waiter to prepare two drinks.

"I am Chris by the way," he forwarded his hand to me. I held his hand which gave me shivers in my body as this was the first time I am literally surrendering myself to a unknown person.

"Hi, I am Emily...." I said, "Can I ask you one question?"

"Hell yeah."

"Why in the whole party did you choose to speak with me? Like I am not even enjoying. I am just sitting here idiotically." He gave me a very odd look.

"I don't know but I really felt attracted to you since I saw you there and I don't know I lost in you." He said as he held the drink in his hands and started drinking it.

"To be true. I am a very shy. But since you have came and sat near me, I am feeling very comfortable and happy," I said with little confidence as I also got a sip of drink. I saw him turning towards the dance floor. He held my hands with his.

"Would you like to dance on the floor with me?" I nodded. Never had I ever dance with anyone or I had talked with a stranger. I was really very enthusiastic and happiness was on this seventh floor. I could feel adrenaline and dopamine rushes through my veins.

He held my right hand with his left and held my waist pulling me closer. I could hear his heartbeat. My heartbeat tuned with his as we danced tuning with each other, His legs move with mine, tapping on the floor in the rhythm. He seemed to be a class dancer. We both were engaged in each other leaving all care about the world.

But Suddenly....

"Emily! Emily! Where are you lost?" I heard my father shouting at me, as I got off my flashback.

"Meet him. He is..."


"You know him?"

"Yeah, how can she forget me?" Chris taunted winking at me and chuckling lightly. I just got annoyed but didn't change any facial expressions. I didn't wanted to look weak in front of him. But it was of no use. He knew me very well. We were in relationship for about just a day and impressively he got to know me very well.


"Actually we had meet in a meeting in some place I don't remember. Do you, Emily?" He innocently asked. I couldn't say anything so I nodded negatively.

"Nice," dad said keeping his hand up on his shoulder, "that you know each other."

Why was he say like that? Is this some kind of new trap of this man?

"He is your sister's fiancé." What! Did I hear something wrong? Did he say fiancé? No, no it must slip of his tongue or error in my ears. He cannot be fiancé of my sister.

"What did you say dad? I think I misheard it."

"You didn't mishear it. Yes you heard it correctly your sister is going to be my future wife. And that the future is not too far. Today we are having our engagement and tomorrow our marriage." He said and I stood there looking at their faces astonished and caring about her future.


Hello people! I have written this episode in hustle so bear with any mistakes land keep reading.

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