~7~ The Decision

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"That all just fake. He doesn't care about your feelings. He just wants you for just one night stand."

"Yeah...and..." She said showing disbelief over me.

"You don't believe me."

"Like come on. You say he is a jerk and he is. He is fake and he is. Like hello. Why should I believe you?"

"Cause he did the same thing with me two years ago. He used me and then threw me like a use and throw pen," said as tears in my eyes were uncontrollable.

"Two years ago, when I was drunk and not in sense, he took advantage of the situation and have sex with me. And the next night he just told me to leave. Just like that.... with no explanations..... no regret.... and no shame." I wiped up my tears and look up to Angelina in hope that she would understand.

"Yeah nice as a story."

"What? Means you still don't believe me. Come on. You are my sister, and you cannot not trust me and trust someone who has met you just four days ago."

"Hmm. Mom was true. She is really blackmailing me."

I held my hands against my head thinking what to do now. Like really I am doing all this for her and she is just showing disbelief over me.

"Just go now. Now I don't want to hear any bad words for my husband."

Oh god. This lady is just not gonna listen. Now I think only one way is a left.

"Okay then you have left me with only one option then." I said. Before speak could speak anything, I just hold her mouth tightly with my and took hold of her hands.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she struggled with my hands.

"Nothing." I took my kerchief from my pocket and wrapped it around her mouth tightly. I pinned her hands on the back and tied them with another Kerchief. I was the bathroom door open and I pushed her inside the bathroom and closed the door locking it tightly.

I could hear her thrashing over the door but she had only left me with one option. Emily! You don't have time to think about Angelina, so I have also one option of saving my family. Marry him.

Yeah after all the thinking that I did from today this is the only option that I think is the best right now. That will not only save my fathers company but also my sister's life.

But what about you Emily? Why should only you sacrifice?

When I just remembered the debt I owe to her.... when I was ten years old and I was just walking home from school just when some goon came and tried to kidnap me as a kid I couldn't do anything. Just when I saw Angelina and her friends coming near me. They took some sticks from near by and save me. She and her friends made the goons flew away and then she hugged me tightly. From that time I am under a huge debt. Today she maybe against me but I know that she is always with me and she loves me like anything even though she is not able to show it.

This is the debt I owe to her and today I will return it to her by marrying the evil.

Also my father has never disappointed me about anything. He gave me love, affection and care and all the other things that he could. So I am doing this. I got firm from my mind and started preparing for the wedding. Put on the white wedding gown.

I really had different dreams about my dream, I supposed it to be the best wedding ever with the best man ever.

But now look what life has brought me to. I have to marry a playboy and that too against my family's wish.

I was getting myself ready for the war I would have to do with this cruel all my life. I was getting ready to face him everyday. I was getting ready to hear taint of the people. I was getting ready to face my family. I was getting ready to be his forever.

I again heard the bathroom door making sound. I went near the door.

"Sorry," I said as a tear flew through my eye, "But I have to do this."

I put the veil in front of me and went out of the room for wedding. As soon as I stepped I saw dad. He was waiting for me to proceed towards the hall. Tears dropped through my eyes as I saw him and hugged him out of emotional breakdown.

"Don't cry. Angel. This happens in every girl's life. And don't worry we will always be there for you."

We broke the hug, he held my hand in his arms and we walked down the aisle. All my relatives, different businessmen were watching me. My footsteps got closer on the thought that after the marriage I would have to face all of them. Answer to their questions.

I reached the stage, where Chris was waiting for me. My legs were still trembling due to fear. Was I doing right thing? Isn't there any other option to this? Would I have beat his torture for whole of my life? Would I have to live with the man who once raped?

My heartbeats fastened as my father resorted my hand in his. And the priest started reading out Christian beliefs. I watched him like an owl and started visualising my future.


Hello people! Here with a new chapter. Do comment about it.

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