~8~ Confrontation And Confession

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He stood in front of me like a statue. He was in a navy blue blazer with a plain black tie, handsome as hell and attractive as magnet.

"Now the couple has to make promises to each other in front of God that they will love, comfort and protect their partners as long as they both shall live." The priest urged us to. Loving him never. I would have never done that mistake again. This marriage is just for my family, I don't think I would ever fall for him again, maybe.

"Mr. Chris Brown, do you take miss. Angelina Watson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death aparts you both?" The priest asked Chris, as we just stared at each other. I hoped that he himself just cancels this wedding and calls it off. But I could see his lustful eyes speaking words about his answer.

"I do," he said and held my hand tightly sending shivers through my body. I heard the guests clapping for us. The priest turned towards me.

"Miss. Angelina Watson, do you take Mr. Chris Brown to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death parts you both?" That's when I felt really nervous. My heartbeats raised... my blood flow became fast... shivers ran through my spine. Could I really marry the man who has once raped me, face him everyday? Could I handle him after marriage? Can I really love and cherish a person like this?

But... if I don't do this my family would lose its daily bread? We would be on the street begging for money.

"Do you?" The priest urged again as I came out of my thinking.

"I...do," I spoke slowly. As if my voice had actually stuck in the vocal chords. Really it was a very hard decision I took keeping a rock on my heart. I had chosen to be in his jail of his lust and dominance.

"Now you may kiss." Oh my god! That means it's time for confrontation. I saw him creeping closer, I was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

He lifted up the veil as I started sweating badly. I closed my eyes in fear of confrontation, though I peeped through one to see what's happened. He saw me once and for all and was astonished but didn't leave the chance to kiss me. He put those warm and juicy lips over mine lightly and pressed them against mine. He then he got away and stared at me with a confused look.

"What the hell are you doin' here? And where is Angelina?" He asked like he just saw me as his bride. Great actor though!!!

"What happened Chris?" I heard my stepmom's crooked voice from my behind as she approached us stamping upon the stage.

"Look," he pulled the white veil from my head. I was really very nervous so I closed my eyes and faced towards them. I slowly opened my eyes only to have hundreds of eyeballs staring weirdly. I saw some couple gossiping amongst themselves still staring at me directly into my eyes. Then I turned towards my father, he was still under the shock of seeing me there.

"What the hell are you doing here? And what were is my Angel?" The witch herself stood in front of me all angry and frustrated. She slapped me tightly and held my shoulders tightly squishing them. I started shedding tears due to her anger, it was really very frightening when you are standing in front of thousands and give explanation.

"Where is she?" He again asked in a low pitch.

"Mom," I saw Angelina running towards the stage sweating and sad as well as angry.

"Oh my baby," she said and both mother and daughter hugged each other tightly like anyone would. They broke the hug and both walked towards me. I was feeling like there is going to be a enemy attack on me. Angel confronted me and staring me with much anger, and placing her hands on my neck and tried to throttle me. I held her hands tightly and tried to throw them away as an act of reflex. I started coughing. Mrs. Stella threw her hands away.

"What are you doing? Are you mad?"

"Then What should I do? This lady.." she pointed towards me.

"She has just destroyed my well going life. Why? Why? Why did you do this?" Tears shedded out of her eyes. I was really filling shocked and guilty. So much love and care for that person, who doesn't deserve it. Why Angelina why? He is not capable for your love.

"Answer me."

"Cause I love him." I spoke out loudly not finding any other excuse and shedded few tears. These tears were not for him.. neither they were for any guilt. These were for me myself getting in this situation, stuck, unable to just let it go.

"What are you saying lady? Are you in your senses? Or drunk like yesterday?" Mrs. Stella asked me.

"Yeah... I am in my sense.... I just married him because I love him. And yeah I don't need to give any explanations to anyone."

"But what about me?" He asked popping out from the back. "I just love my Angelina and wanted to marry her."

"Emily," my father came from behind, "What is this going on?"

"Daddy," I hugged my dad tightly.

"Tell me child," He said reciprocating the hug. "What happened?" I looked at him once. It gave me courage as well as hope.


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