~6~ Escaping The Cage

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"Jealousy has overpowered you and you cannot think about anyone else accept Chris."

"Think whatever you want to. I need not give no explanations. I will do what I want to."

"Okay then ... you have left me with only one option."

"What?" As I asked she just walked. God knows what's in her evil mind. I saw the doors getting close with a bang.

"Hello," I screamed, "What are you doing?"

"Just locking you up just like I used to do."

When I just remembered one incident from my past when I was small.

"Angelina that is my doll." I shouted at took hold of my doll.

"Mommy!" She screamed, "look Emily is not giving me her doll." And started to shed crocodile's tears. There is hardly any difference in my age and her. We are almost same.

"Emily," came the witch screaming for her daughter, " Why are you troubling Angel? Give the doll to her."

"But that doll is mine." I said innocently. "And the doll also likes me. She doesn't like Angelina. Cause Angelina has been a bad girl crying all the day."

"I said give it to her." She ordered as if she had its possession.

"Nope. I won't ever." I said and pushed her away.

"Naughty Girl," she screamed and widen her eyes angrily only trying to frighten me. I was a little child so I got easily afraid of her.

"Today I will teach you a lesson for life." She said and commanded, "you are isolated for today and you won't get food for tonight." She took Angelina's hands and took her outside closing the room, leaving me all alone to cry.

The whole evening I just spent crying think about my fault. And then eventually getting tired of it went into deep slumber.

"No you can't do this." I said and ran towards the door and started pushing it. I kicked it, I punched it and also banged upon it but of no use.

"Do won't worry baby," I heard her voice echo, as it became less intense, "i have kept bodyguards for you, outside the room."

Witch had kept bodyguards to keep an eye on me. Huh! Damn. What should I do now? I cannot even break the marriage just by going and telling the truth. After yesterday's incident I don't think even father will listen to me.

Also I can let this wedding happen. I got to go out of this room.

Oh god Please show me some way out of this room.

Just when I saw the windows in the room banging. I went near the window and just remembered that I was living on the ground floor and that foolish witch forgot to closed. How foolish one can be?

I put one of legs over the window and jumped out of it. I was about to sprint as fast as I could. Just when I hear someone's voice from the room next to mine.

Out of curiosity I just peeped into the room through the window. I saw Chris talking with someone on the phone.

"Yes, Mr. James after this marriage we will own that company. This marriage is just a business deal. And yeah keep the divorce papers ready...just after two day I will divorce her... yeah means after my work with her is done."

He smiled cruelly. I could feel the evilness in his speech. He is just going to use my sister as a source of money and pleasure. Just like I had predicted. A burnt child after all dreads fire.

"Oh no don't worry about that little girl. She won't do anything today. Perhaps she has been dumped by her family for today. Ha ha ha. Even if she would then she must know that it's her her families loss after all." He cut the call and went away.

I just remembered what all he had said. About my family... we getting poor... oh god... I cannot even let this marriage happen nor can I stop it. Why should I do?

Why god? Why this dilemma with me? If I do one thing my family's at loss and on the other side my sister's at loss. Please show me some way.

I hear the car rushing through the garden and I knew it straight went to the marriage hall. Not thinking much things I just went took my car keys and drove my car straight to the marriage hall.

All the while I was just thinking about the solution. Nothing came to mind. In any case I have to stop the marriage and also let the marriage be done, which was actually a very contradicting statement. But what would you do if such thing happened in your life?

Should I kill him with a knife or a sniper? All the tension and stress of me would disappear. No. Why should I dirty my hands?

Why? Why did he came to my life? My life was all happy before he came in my life.

Then I thought that I should first talk to Angelina about this and then take another step against him.

I reached the hall and from the backdoor I reached the changing room. I knocked at the room and Angelina opened the door. She was astonished to see me.

"I thought you were locked in the room. How did you came?"

"Foolish girl. My room is on ground floor I can easily come out of the window."


"Look. We really need to talk."

"Yeah speak. Now what you got to say." She said as she wore her necklace.

"It's quite serious. Look you cannot marry Chris."

"Why? Got really got some serious issues with him. Since you have seen him you are just behind him."

"Look I would have been behind him if he was any ordinary guy."

"Ooo! So what are his abnormalities? How come you know this?"

"No not like that. Then how?"

"He is a real jerk. He doesn't respect women and thinks they are just use and throw items."

"Yeah that's why he is marrying me right."


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