Slumber Party

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Aimless hazy guitar strums filled Adam's quiet room, its only interruption being his phone quietly chiming in three times in a row. He set his guitar up against his nightstand, picking up his phone to see who could have texted him at this hour. Not to his surprise, it was James. Though this time something was different, he had a genuine question instead of either just spamming him with intense reminders to wear his seat belt, or random incoherent tangents.


"Do you wanna have a slumber party."

Adam- "A slumber party? What are you 7?"

James- "um"
"excuse me"

Adam- "You heard me"

James- "Well"

"Come be 7 with me and Jaiden"

"Also Tim is coming"
"So get over here"

Adam rolled his eyes with a slight grin, allowing them to drift over to his window for a moment before returning to the texting conversation. He finished it off with a simple "fine," allowing James to give him the time he'd be coming over.

As Six P.M rolled by, Adam slowed to a stop in front of James's driveway. Stepping out of the car, he breathed in the cool evening air. Something about James's house always made Adam feel refreshed, though he could never figure out why. They lived rather close to each other, and their neighborhoods looked and felt about the same, but something about stepping onto his property gave Adam this strange sense of content. As he calmly approached the door, softly but firmly knocking on it, James quickly opened up to greet him. "Finally you're here!" He exclaimed, pulling Adam inside. Gathered on his couch were Tim and Jaiden, laughing and smiling as they turned their attention to the last person they needed to really start the slumber party. "Hey." Adam coolly waved, "Did you really have to take forever?" Jaiden stood up, playfully punching his arm, "James has been waiting forever for you to get over here so we could roast marshmallows out back." She raised her arms up, clapping a few times as she stepped outside, "Come on children! Marshmallow time!"

The flames James had managed to safely ignite reached up to the stars; Adam leaned forward, slowly turning his marshmallow on its stick, making sure as to not burn it. Beside him Jaiden forcefully blew out the small flame on her chewy treat, "I'm so glad that we could hang out again, we haven't done this in so long." She remarked, "Yeah, I've really missed you guys." Tim agreed, "Aw crap, we're out of marshmallows. I'll go grab some more." James stood up from his fold-up chair, jogging a little across the backyard into the kitchen. "Isn't James great for doing this?" Jaiden commented, "Yeah, he is." Adam nodded, "He's always great though, isn't he? Everything down to the way he walks is just about perfect." The moment his last sentence slipped out he stopped, staring at Jaiden, that part wasn't supposed to be vocalized. Jaiden stared back a little puzzled, though with each passing second it shifted to a far more worrying smile. "I mean like-"Adam quickly attempted to save himself, "everything about him is perfect as a friend! He's a great guy! Awesome best friend material!" Though the brunette sitting in front of him didn't seem to believe a thing he said, glancing towards the sliding door James had just gone through. Across from Adam, he received no backup. Tim sat peacefully making a smore with a content smirk on his face, giving no input to help or continue to ruin him. Jaiden suddenly stood up, "I'll be right back." She deviously announced, heading for the sliding door. "Jaiden? J-Jaiden, where are you going?" Adam turned his head, his eyes following her all the way inside. A pit quickly began to grow in his stomach with each second that she was gone, he'd said too much. The backyard was quiet now, Adam desperately searched for something to distract himself from the growing stress and tension in his chest, eventually he settled on Tim. "So, Tim! How's it going with that smore?" his voice riddled with anxiety, which made him regret ever speaking at all. "Oh it's pretty good," Tim nodded with a smile that felt just as bad as Jaiden's, "How's it going with your slip up?" his eyes were no longer focused on the smore, staring straight into Adam's. "Slip up? What do you mean?" Adam hesitated, quickly averting his gaze. "Well, you always seemed pretty fond of James; and just a minute ago you accidentally said a little too much, how's that going for you?" Tim replied coolly, everything about his tone made Adam feel even more perturbed. "I don't-I didn't..." he stared at the grass beneath their chairs, "You do, and you did." Tim corrected him without a moment's hesitation. "Well, that's a pretty big thing to assume, Tim." Adam nervously blew out his burning marshmallow, "It's not an assumption, and you made it pretty easy to figure out. I mean, for goodness sake when aren't you at his house?" Tim answered as slyly as before, but before Adam could protest James and Jaiden came back out into the yard. "I'm back!" James excitedly announced, placing the new bag of marshmallows on a fold-up table beside his chair, "Would anyone care for a marshmallow?" "Me!" Adam raised his hand up high like a child in elementary school excitedly waiting to be called on, even resorting to the typical "Pick me! Pick me!" to ensure they'd be chosen. Adam's childlike tendency was quickly rewarded as James lightly threw a marshmallow for him to catch successfully, eagerly putting it on his stick to begin roasting. Though, his brief moment of bliss was cut short as Jaiden popped a question that immediately brought back the growing pit in Adam's stomach, "Hey, you guys wanna play truth or dare?"

With every truth and dare that passed along the four of them, Adam grew more and more nervous about what Jaiden had planned. She hadn't called on him once, and he feared that was intentional. Tim was kind to him though, despite knowing a lot more than Adam anticipated. He always gave him dares that were easy to do, and had absolutely nothing to do with James. While James himself gave his own typical dares, no matter how many times they played this game together he still remained awful at giving them. Just as Adam was beginning to relax, the tension of the possible situations Jaiden would ignite drifting away, he was quickly snapped back into his anxious state as Jaiden dished out a dare that flustered both of its contenders, "James, I dare you to give Adam a kiss." James stared at her, how off-put he looked made Adam feel even worse. But as the backyard remained silent, only the sound of the flickering flames remaining, Adam noticed something that filled his fretful soul with relief and surprise. A blush spread of James's cheeks, with each passing second they grew redder and redder until he finally responded, "W-What?" "You heard me, go give him a kiss!" Jaiden ordered, lightly pushing him over to Adam. "-I-wait-but-!" James continued to stutter, until he stood right beside Adam, towering over him. Even as he did so, Adam didn't feel an ounce of intimidation. So much so that Adam hatched his own plan as the taller boy knelt down to meet him at eye-level. "Can it just be on the cheek? Please?" James's pleading sugary gaze must have forced Jaiden to concede on whatever plan she had for this moment, "Fine." She playfully groaned, making Tim snicker. Adam smiled, lightly tapping his cheek a few times to invite him. James audibly swallowed, slowly leaning in to complete his dare. But just before his lips could touch Adam's cheek, Adam turned to face him in just enough time for James to accidentally press his lips against his. James suddenly leaned back, blushing madly as Jaiden started to lose her mind, "Adam!" her grin went from ear to ear as James quickly excused himself. As he left, Adam suddenly felt a surge of regret, "Oh my god what did I just do." He murmured, placing his hand on his forehead. "You made a move." Tim chuckled, taking another marshmallow.

James never rejoined the game; in fact he didn't even come back outside so they ended up having to finish the game without him. As it grew later and later, the three of them grew more and more tired. Eventually they all decided it was time to hit the hay and go get James from wherever he happened to be in the house. Adam was the last one to step inside, closing the sliding door behind him as Tim and Jaiden started setting up their sleeping bags on the living room floor. "James?" Adam called, wandering up James's stairs. "Oh-um-coming!" He heard James call from the bathroom on the top floor, after a few moments Adam watched him rush out of the small room to greet him. "We were just thinking we'd all go to bed now, it's getting pretty late." Adam told him, James looked like an even worse mess than he could ever be. "Oh, yeah that sounds good!" James quickly nodded, heading over to the staircase. As Adam quietly followed him down, reaching the bottom step, something seemed off. Tim and Jaiden were all tucked in, cozily having a light, tired conversation as they awaited sweet slumber to overcome them. That was sweet and all, but a sleeping bag beside Jaiden seemed to be missing. "Hey guys? Was there always three sleeping bags?" James piped up, "Yeah?" Jaiden nodded, a slight tinge of confusion edging her tone. "Oh, jeez, we're a sleeping bag short..." James lightly touched his cheek, staring at the floor. "Hey, that empty one is really big, why don't you two just share?" Tim suggested which seemed to abruptly fluster not only Adam but James as well. "W-Well..." James stuttered, presumably desperately trying to find a way to avoid that situation. Though, he seemed to have no ideas as he let out a quiet defeated sigh, "If you want to." James shyly turned to Adam, the look he gave him quickly forced a brand new sensation to surge though his entire chest, "I don't mind." He calmly shrugged.

The light was now out; the look Jaiden gave Adam before he'd crawled into the sleeping bag couldn't manage to escape his mind. As a few seconds of awkward silence passed, Adam decided to break it. "So, you ever wanna talk about that dare?" he whispered. James didn't immediately answer, refusing to even face him, "What's there to talk about? It was just a dare-nothing to really mention or discuss." His reply was a little quick, which Adam couldn't help but smile about. "Really? Because I think we've both got something to say." Adam coolly replied. "We've both?" James echoed, he turned a little to the right, like he was tempted to face him, but quickly returned to his former position. "I always wanted to do that." Adam admitted, even if that was the last thing he wanted to say, he still felt tempted to lead James out of hiding this. His main anxiety was always if James didn't return his feelings, but tonight certainly put that worry to rest. "I really liked it," he quietly continued, "did you?" James didn't answer again, in fact he didn't say a word for the rest of the night. Instead, after a few moments of pure reticence the tall blonde finally rolled over to face Adam. Before Adam could react, he quickly leaned in to kiss him again before rolling back over, giving Adam his answer.

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