The Hill

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The sun hung low in the sky, kissing the tall surrounding mountains as it washed the cozy expanse in a soft orange bliss. Dirt clouds rose as the trio reached the end of their walk, the leader, a rather short girl spread out her arms to present her home to them once more. "And we're back." She announced coolly, in a matter of moments two friendly faces rushed to greet their friends. "You guys sure took your time!" Jaiden exclaimed as she accosted with a playful punch landing gently on her cousin's arm, "I wanted to show your friends everything there was." The short girl defended herself, "It was really nice." James piped up, "Yeah, there were lots of...trees." Adam slowly agreed. "Trees, huh?" Tim crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow as he stood idly next to Jaiden. "I sure hope there would be lots of trees." Jaiden snickered, "Now, Cass, tell me, who misbehaved the most." She turned to the girl with a smile. "What am I, a babysitter?" Cass chuckled, her short pale brown hair bouncing on her shoulders. "Yes, that's exactly why I asked you to walk them." Jaiden nodded earnestly, only making her laugh more. "Walk us?" James echoed indignantly, "For your information, I don't need to be walked! I'm a big boy who can make big boy decisions like walking around outside alone." He argued, "Then why is it that you never go outside without me having to make you?" Jaiden countered; only causing James to cross his arms with an angry huff. Though as Jaiden and Tim laughed, James couldn't help but look to his right. Adam quietly stood beside him, providing no input of defense, or any input at all. His cool, dark stare was fixated on the dirt pathway below him, it did not falter for any reason, no matter what any of them said. "Hey, you doing alright there Adam?" James spoke up, snapping Adam out of his daze. "Yeah!-I'm fine!" Anxiousness edged his reply, which only made James more concerned. "Is something on your mind?" James asked, everyone else's attention had been given to Adam, who only teetered back and forth on his shoes, "There is, actually." He replied shyly. "What's that?" Jaiden queried, intrigued. "It's just that..." Adam began, but the moment his gaze shifted from James, and to everyone else around them, his reserved expression shifted into something unreadable, and then finally to a far more playful grin. "It's just, the whole time we've been here I haven't seen a single rooster..." he sighed jokingly, the group erupting in light laughter. "Sorry Adam, but there aren't any roosters here." Cass placed her hand on his shoulder sympathetically, "Wait, what?" a wave of disappointment washed over James, "I really wanted a rooster..." "What? Were you going to steal mine if I had one?" Cass suddenly shifted her attention to James, "Probably if you didn't let me have it!" James replied loudly, which only made everyone laugh even more. "Well James, if you really want a rooster that badly you should meet me on that hill later." Adam slyly interjected with a smirk, the crowd burst with coos and giggles, which only puzzled James. "Why would you have a rooster? I thought you were looking for one..." he scratched his head, but his query didn't seem to help him at all as Jaiden put her hand on his shoulder, "James, what's another word for rooster?" her expression finally made what Adam said click, immediately his cheeks ignited, leaving him with no words as everyone laughed. "You know, speaking of the hill you mentioned." Cass began; James clung to her buttery southern voice, hoping that whatever she might say would take the heat off of him. Her thin hand directed the group to a hill that sat behind her small home, a singular tree sat at the very top, rising above the surrounding foliage. The last rays of reddish-pink light stretched onto its roots, slowly sinking into the grass. "That there tree is the one Russell proposed to me under like every couple has for generations." Cass explained, "It's true." A gravelly voice added, turning around revealed a tall, large man carrying a little girl on his back. "Sasha! Did you ever find that ball?" Tim suddenly rushed to the father's side, "I did!" the small blonde smiled brightly as she presented a tennis ball to her newly found friend, "Great! We can play catch again!" "Alright Tim, you can play catch when my dear sweet cousin is done with her beautiful story about her and her husband." Jaiden put her hands on her hips, gesturing Cass to go on. "Well, there's not much that I think any of your friends are interested in about that, but there's something really special about that hill." Cass began, "It isn't called Lover's Perch for no reason, it's said that if two sweethearts sit at the top of the hill and spot two fireflies flying by together, they have to kiss. If not, then the first person who saw it will get the sniffles for three days. By the fourth day it'll be completely gone, no explanations as to how it came or went." "That seems improbable." Adam remarked, to which Cass simply shrugged, "Maybe, but it's fun to believe." As soon as she finished speaking, Jaiden lit up, "Hey! Let's all go up there!" She excitedly suggested, tugging at Tim's arm. "Oh, I would, but someone's gotta make supper. It's already late." Cass sighed, "I really wanted to play catch, actually." Tim nervously added, "You guys are no fun." Jaiden groaned, crossing her arms. Pleadingly, she turned her attention to James and Adam, "Fine." Adam sighed.

It wasn't a hard trek at all; in fact, it was rather serene. Though with every step, the superstitious nature surrounding the hill enveloped James's mind. If it were true, would this be a real moment? Surely not, after all, there were three of them, it probably wouldn't work if...

"Oh crap!"

Oh no.

"What's up?" James stopped to face Jaiden, "I totally forgot about it! Sorry guys, I gotta go!" And with that, she rushed inside without any explanation. "Okay..." Adam slowly turned back to climb up the hill, James fretfully following him.

"It's actually pretty nice up here."

"Yeah, I like it."

"What a funny thought, fireflies determining when you have to kiss someone. I think that if I wanted to kiss you I'd do it on my own fruition."
Adam's words caused sudden odd waves circle in James's stomach, he began to worry endlessly about the high probability that his cheeks were as red as a rose, "Kiss me?" he echoed nervously. "Mm-hmm, what, you don't think I'd kiss you?" Adam leaned up against the tree, sitting down, slowly, James did the same. "I'm sorry, I don't think I'm following, I thought you said you'd be willing to kiss me." James faltered, feeling himself heat up every second the conversation continued. "You heard me right." Adam dipped his head calmly as if his words had no weight. James's entire body practically felt like a furnace, "Really?" a smile crept up the dirty blonde's face, though he desperately tried to contain it. "Absolutely, but no firefly is telling me what to do, so you'll have to wait." The huge grin that beset James could no longer be held back as Adam started to mirror him. "Why oh why, fireflies..." James sighed blissfully, allowing his head to fully rest up against the base of the tree. As a few moments of silence passed, to James's surprise, two fireflies passed them, practically stuck together. He couldn't help but chortle softly at the thought of Adam's rebellion against the tradition.

Just as he lazily closed his eyes, James jolted up at the sound of Jaiden's voice, "Dinner's ready kids!" Quickly, James stood up, wordlessly walking with Adam down the hill to meet the gathered family. Tim and the small blonde girl from before rushed to a picnic table outside Cass's house as she happily set down a large plate of food. Her husband calmly sat down as Jaiden joined Tim. But the moment James sat down, ready to dig in, he could feel himself grow even more flustered as his nose began to feel stuffy.

Created by- Roo, the raddest, coolest, most bestest sickest dude

Evening's One-Shots (SomethingElseYT x TheOdd1sOut)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя