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The winding roads sent a trickle of uneasiness down Adam's spine as he drove through the lightly falling snow. The day's last ray of sun glittered on his car's waxen hood as he rolled up to the address Jaiden gave him. The anxiety-inducing ride felt like nothing in comparison to the butterflies that danced in his stomach as he turned off his car and walked up to the cabin's front steps. The Christmas party itself wasn't intimidating, it was the thought of James being there. Adam didn't have much time to wipe away the light blush that crept across his face at the thought of talking to the taller boy, as Jaiden swung open the door with a smile.

"finally your here" she joked, lightly punching his arm. Adam chuckled and walked inside to immediately spot James. He could feel the heat rising in his face as he watched the taller man chug a cup of, what he could only assume to be eggnog. Jaiden ran over to James and took the cup from his hands.

"James no more, you've already had three, plus there's a bit of alcohol in it." 

"Ohh noww you tell me." James slurred trying to reach for his cup, Jaiden holding it as far from him as possible.

"James stop being a bad influence! there are kids watching! Tim joined in as Rebbeca pulled out her phone, recording the whole thing, snickering to herself.  Adam watched from the doorway, smiling to himself at the sight of James struggling to reach for his cup, he could feel his cheeks only heat up more and more with each passing second. Tim reeled his arm back, throwing an uneaten candy cane at James, the cane crashed into the hat that sat atop the blonde's head forcing it to topple onto the floor. This caused the blonde boy to shriek like a little girl, throwing his arms up in defense, shielding his face. Everyone froze for a few seconds at what just occurred, only to begin roaring with laughter, James soon joining in.
After that Jaiden walked over to Adam, who was now standing by the TV.

"Well that sure was interesting wasn't it?" She chuckled to Adam "yeah it sure was" he laughed staring at James who was staring at his empty cup with a sorrow filled look. Adam was so distracted to the point that he didn't notice his cheeks felt like they were on fire, or that Jaiden was staring at him, with a look of confusion.

"Hey Adam, are you okay? Your face looks a little red."

Adam quickly jumped back into reality "Uh, yeah, I'm good" he replied not facing her. That only raised Jaiden's suspicion.

"James really is something else huh?"

Adam chuckled "Yeah but I'm the one and only something else"

"So would you say he belongs to you then?"

Adam froze, face turning a crimson red "w-what?" He studdered "you heard me" she spoke deviously.

All that was running through Adams mind was "Run!" "Escape!" "Just move man!" Which he did. He turned to Jaiden, acting like he was going to speak, then threw his hat and her and ran. Jaiden just stood there snickering, as she was starting to catch on to what was happening.

Jaiden tried a couple more times to get more info out of Adam, only to get the same reaction out of him, but she would not give up until she got a confession.

"Alright everyone its secret santa time!" Jaiden chirped "sweet!" Both Rebecca and Tim cheered. Adam was Rebecca's secret Santa, Rebecca was Tim's secret Santa, Tim was James secret santa, and James was Adam's secret santa. Jaiden's secret Santa was one of her relatives who couldn't make it to the party.

James was the last person to give his gift, and in the process of doing that, thanks to the eggnog, he felt dizzy and lost his footing. Adam caught him just in time and asked if he was okay, he replied with "yes" gave him his gift, and went to sit down. It wasn't until he sat down that the realization of what just happened kicked in, and a blush quickly spread across his face which Jaiden caught a glimpse of.

To end the night they all sat on the couch and watched a Christmas movie. Jaiden sat on the end next to Rebecca, Tim was in the middle, and James and Adam were next to each other with Adam being on the end. Being this close to James was sending the feeling of butterflies throughout Adams stomach. His face heating up when he would accidentally brush his hand against his. But what made his heart feel like it was about to explode was when the blonde boy placed his hand over his. Almost as if telling him it was okay.

When the movie was done they all started saying their goodbyes to one another. Rebecca and Tim being the first to leave and James and Adam not to far behind. Jaiden said her goodbyes to all of them and went inside. The only ones remaining were the two boys standing on the porch.

"Well that was fun, thank you for the gift James" Adam smiled "oh, no problem Adam, I'm glad you liked it" James replied, rubbing the back of his neck. He was about to say his goodbye when something caught his eye, a blush appearing on his face. James tried calming himself down his blush slowly increasing, he quickly leaned in and gave Adam a quick kiss on the lips. Adam froze, his blush just as intense as James, neither one of them knew what to say. Finally Adam spoke "w-what was that for?" He studdered James smiled and pointed up, Adam looked up and was shocked to see a mistletoe hanging above them.

"Merry Christmas Adam" James smiled and walked off to his car, leaving a very flustered Adam in the snow. A smile on his face and his thoughts going crazy, he stared at the fresh snow starting to fall and watched the taller boy drive away.

Evening's One-Shots (SomethingElseYT x TheOdd1sOut)Where stories live. Discover now