song from the stars

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The cool night breeze hit Adam like fresh snow on a winters day, sending chills all over his body. The stars shined like a billion fireflies and there was a beautiful full moon providing an aura of light throughout the night sky.

A perfect night for stargazing, parties, or just a walk in the park. Which Adam was glad for. He had been so caught up in work that it had begun to get to stressful, and he was just glad to get out of the house. He decided to bring his guitar with him to practice his music, it helped him relax and it would just be him since there was a festival going on. James, Jaiden, and Tim went to that festival, they invited Adam but he was too busy to come. They weren't hurt by it though since Adam had gone to a Christmas party with all of them recently.

Adam sat down on a bench in front of a fountain and just as he suspected, there was no one in the park. Yes he does love being around people, he's an extrovert, but even extroverts have their moments where they want to be alone. All Adam wanted to do tonight was to play his music in peace. He decided to play a few Ed Sheeran songs, like "happier" and "perfect."

The evening went by slowly, only a half an hour went by. In those thirty minutes Adam wondered how much fun his friends were having. He would have loved to go, he always loved being around them, especially James. If he ever needed someone to listen to him, cheer him up, or just someone to make him laugh, James was the right guy for the job.

As his thoughts trailed on about the taller boy, he felt his cheeks begin to heat up. He shook his head, trying to get james out of his mind and continued his music. However that wasn't the case because as he played his music, the lyrics of the song made Adam think of him.
About five minutes later Adam's hopes of trying to get James out his head went down the drain as he heard a familiar voice.

"Nice music" James commented, standing by the fountain in front of him.

Startled, Adam looked up from his guitar and sighed in relief, "jeez James, warn me next time before you come out of nowhere like that."

"S-sorry, may I sit down?"

Adam patted the spot next to him "you may."

James thanked him and took a seat.

"I have to say I didn't expect to see you here" Adam chuckled.

"Well I could say the same about you" James chuckled back.

"Yeah, I just needed some fresh air."

James smiled, "Well looks like that was a good thing since I got to see you and hear you play your music." A blush grew on the two male's faces, "Can you play some more?"

Adam nodded and began to play "perfect" by Ed sheeran, and the whole time he was thinking of James while playing.

After the song was over, James smiled at him in awe, telling him the song was beautiful which caused Adam to blush a soft red. "Thanks, so why didn't you go home after the festival?"

"I like to star gaze, plus there's gonna be fireworks later tonight for news years eve, I didn't want to miss them." James replied.

Adam smiled "Star gazing huh? Sounds interesting."

James chuckled "Yeah, you know my mom used to tell me when I was little that if two people are sitting under the brightest star that they are destined to be soulmates."

"Really?" Adam asked looking up, "well then I guess were soulmates then" he chuckled pointing up.

James looked up and a huge blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Hey, I'm joking" Adam reassured him, James chuckled nervously.

"A-actually Adam I need to tell you something."

Adam sat in silence, full attention on James.

James took a deep breath before speaking. "Okay, so since its going to be a new year, I figure this is the best time to tell you, I just hope you won't be weirded out and we can still be friend's after this. I like you Adam, no, I love you, a lot, more than a Friend is supposed to and you don't have to like me back. I just needed to get this off my chest but please don't be weirded out, I didn't mean to ruin our friendship by this."

James couldn't even look at his friend who he had just confessed his feelings to. He was too embarrassed and was blushing like crazy. They both sat in silence, not knowing what to say to one another, until the fireworks beat them to it. The distraction of the fireworks seemed to calm James down a bit, at least enough for him to look up to watch the fireworks.

He froze up when he felt a hand on his shoulder, "James, you didn't ruin our friendship, you know why?"

James slowly shook his head, still not facing the shorter male.

Adam smiled and gently put a hand under his chin, forcing James to look at him. He then slowly pulled their faces together, closing the gap with a long passionate kiss.

"I did."

Evening's One-Shots (SomethingElseYT x TheOdd1sOut)Where stories live. Discover now