get me out hardy boy!

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"Why Birdie! You look lovely!" Milliard said as I sat down at our table booth.

"Thanks," I said, smiling a fake sweet smile, which grossed me out.

The plan was going great so far. I had been able to keep him happy for at least a minute.

"What are you ordering, my dear?" Milliard asked.

I had to stifle a gag as he said that. 

"A b-burger," I muttered.

The bell on the top of the door rang and in walked Hardy Winston. I stopped. Fuck. 

I have had a crush on him for 3 years now. Krista has told me so many times he defintely likes me. But him seeing me here, with a Soc boy? That was over. I  wanted to cry as he glared over at our table and scoffed at me. I mouthed an "I'm sorry," and turned back towards Milliard.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Just someone I know."

At last our orders were said and our food was brought out. After even having a short conversation with Milliard, I felt sick and said I was using the ladies room, but I really went out back.

"Birdie Curtis-Cade with a Soc boy! Who knew!" said Hardy as he planted himself next to where where I was slouching outside on the brick wall.

"I'm only doing it so we can keep using our skatepark," I muttered.

"Is a measly skatepark really worth your freedom?"

I thought about it for a minute, and rolled my eyes and stalked off. Whatever.

"What took you so long?" Milliard asked as I left the table.

Hardy was kinda right. But I didn't want Milliard to feel the sastification of getting to me.

"There was a long line," I said, shrugging.

Milliard rasied an eyebrow but went back to his sandwhich.

Finally, the date was over. Milliard had the fucking audacity to kiss me on the cheek. Yes, it was a sweet gesture, but still, ew. I took off my plaid pink blazer and began scrubbing the spot with it. 

The night air was around 70 degrees, my blouse and short skirt were perfect. I felt light, airy. Like not even Milliard or Hardy could bring me down.

Maybe I was sacrficing my freedom for a skatepark. But that place held so many memories. It's where the Greasers really came to be. Of course, Leo wouldn't have been around then, but still.

That night I couldn't stop replaying the date. I was hoping it would cram itself in unwanted memories storage, along with the time I walked in on my dads doing it, or when my boob was kinda hanging out of my top and I didn't notice. It wouldn't budge. I rolled over in my pink and red comforter and just fell asleep.

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