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Us seven Greasers were laid under the stars in a circle pattern. The night air was cool and crisp and the stars were so clear. Each one of us sipped a milkshake or smoked a cigarette. I however, ate gummy bears. Hardy had brought them over as an "I'm sorta sorry but not really but I don't wanna be mean," gift. 

"I fucking hate Milliard," I blurted out.

Hardy had told the whole group about him. Of course, Clark hadn't taken it that well.

"The rich kid who chased us!" he had screamed at her earlier that day.

"Why do you put up with him then?" Leo asked.

"I'm just doing it for the skatepark!" I said, sitting up.

"That mess of a place? I didn't even know we still hung out their," Jeremy said as he also sat up.

I was getting really tired of their shit. 

"Fine!" I yelled like a toddler, stomping off.

That night in bed, Daddy and Dad tried to ask me why I was so tense, but I wasn't talking. 

I made plans to apologize tomorrow. But now, I needed sleep.

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