3. Hirahara Corp.

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Hey guys! This update is a little longer than usual. Hope you enjoy! <3



It's been six days since I applied to Hirahara Corp and I still haven't gotten a reply. I know that it takes long for companies to get back to you, but how long do they have to take?! Just tell me if I got the job or not, yeesh.

Right now it's 6am. Yes, it's 6 in the morning. I normal person without a job wouldn't dare to wake up at 6am, but as you can already tell, I'm not normal. The real reason I couldn't sleep is because I was so anxious about getting a job. I just wish that they would get back to me now. Like right now.

*ring ring ring*

Speak of the devil. My ringtone, "Hotline Bling" by Drake goes off.

~"I know when that hotline bling! That can only mean one thing."~

I run over to my phone, which is in the living room. I trip in the process a few times but I end up getting there. When I see who's calling, it's a private number, so it might possibly be Hirahara Corp.

"Well, here goes nothing."

I take a deep breath.

"Hello, this is Y/N, who is this?"

"Hello darling~, this is Mrs. Hirahara, from Hirahara Corp. I'm calling about your application to my company!"


It's Mrs. Hirahara herself. I can't believe this.

"Ah yes, Mrs. Hirahara, do you have any good news about my application?"

"Yes dear, I do! We at the Hirahara Corp, have decided to accept you into our company! I would say that's good news, isn't it~?"

AkDjskjkfjskjfojOJAIJlfjskjfslA. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS.

"You have?! Thank you very much for the opportunity! When should I start? I can come in today!"

"Oh darling~, you're very eager to start, aren't you! If you would like to come in today, you can! I can have my darling son show you around!"

"I would love to come today! I'll come by around 9am."

"Okay dear~see you then!"


I got a new job! I GOT A NEW JOB! Oh crap that means that I have to wake up early from now on.

Kousuke POV:

I'm in the middle of eating lunch right now. I was so busy earlier that I couldn't afford to eat anything other than a burger from WacDonald's.

*click clack click clack*

I hear heels coming down the hallway, and it's coming towards my door. It's most likely my mom.


I was right. It is my mom.

"Yes, Mother?"

"There is a very nice lady coming to the office today. It will be her first day at work. Could you, my darling son, show her around?"

"Mother... you have to understand that I'm busy. Couldn't you have one of the other employees show her around?"

"~Oh dear, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to show her around. Mother's orders! Oh look at the time, I must get going now! Bye son!"

Well that's that. Let's just hope our newest employee can get around. 


Well...What did you think? Next week's update will really start the story. *wink wink* Our two favorite characters, Kousuke and Y/N will meet. Are you excited? ;)

I Love Yoo; Kousuke x Reader: &quot;The Star and The Echo&quot;Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang