4. Is He Handsome?

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Hey ya'll! I know I didn't update last week, so this week's update is super long (at least I think it is :)) 

I hope you enjoy! :D



Okay, so I have approximately 3 hours to get ready, not counting traffic and actually getting to work. I can't believe I have a job. I wonder what Mrs. Hirahara's son's going to be like. Is he going to be as bubbly as his mom? Stoic? Funny? Kind? Maybe handsome??

"NO STOP Y/N WHAT ARE DOING. YOU CAN'T DAYDREAM ABOUT GUYS YOU HAVEN'T MET", I yell at the top of my lungs in my empty house.


I need to get ready soon.

I walk over to my closet, and try to find something nice to wear. I dig around through ancient, never worn before clothes, until I come across a pair of black heels. These heels, though ancient, are precious to me. They're my best shoes. I dig around for another 15 minutes until I find a nice white blouse with a small, delicate black bow. I also pull out a black office skirt. This isn't too much right?

Kousuke's POV:

I have to get ready to show our newest recruit around. Yay me. Why couldn't of mother asked Nol to do it? It's not like my idiot brother does anything anyway.

I put on my brown coat, the one I usually wear, only because it's warm. I don't need to put in effort to look good in front of somebody I won't ever see again. Right?

It's almost 8:30. She should arrive soon.


OH CRAP. IT'S ALMOST 8:30. I need to leave, like NOW.

I put on my black heels and take a good look at myself in the mirror. I actually look decent for once, wow. Maybe, I should put in effort everyday. (sorry to the guys that are reading this, after this story is over, I'll do a Kousuke x Male Reader ;) )

I step outside, and call a taxi, hopefully I can make it on time. I get inside the taxi, and say, "To Hirahara Corp, please." The driver looks back at me and smiles, "first day, huh"?

"Yes sir, it is. How did you know"?

"Lucky guess, perhaps."

Kousuke's POV:

Where is this lady?

Shouldn't she be here by now, it's almost 8:45! It's common courtesy to show up early, especially on your first day!


I get out of the taxi, and thank my driver. I see the big, white, gleaming doors of Hirahara Corp. Anxiety sinks in.

Am I really fit for this job? Can I do it?

I see all of the people around me and I look down. I'm not on the same level as these people, who am I kidding? I see my shoes, and take a deep breath in. Here we go.

I step into Hirahara Corp. It's even more beautiful inside than it is from the outside.

While I gaze upon all of the inside, I hear someone call my name.

"Ms. (or Mr.) Y/N! Please come this way, your guide will be with you soon".

I follow the nice lady into a breathtaking room. Half of the things in there are probably worth more than my house.

"Would you like any coffee ma'am (or sir)"?

"Sure, that's fine."

I wait a few minutes and my coffee is brought to me.

"Ma'am (or sir), your guide will be with you shortly, please feel free to walk around, and I will call you when he's ready."

"Okay, thank you." I get my coffee, and head out the door, and get ready to look around.

I'm sipping my coffee, when suddenly...


I know you readers LOVE cliffhangers :) I hope you can survive this one :D

Also, I noticed that I have a few male readers. If you guys want, I can create a Kousuke x Male Reader story! (iloveyaoi lmao)

I Love Yoo; Kousuke x Reader: "The Star and The Echo"Where stories live. Discover now