Chapter 22

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"You haven't told me." He began. "What?" She asked. "What you think of me dating Myra." He said. "I'm not sure about my thoughts Wolf. It's a bit messy. I'll tell you about it okay?" She asked. "Works." He said and got up from the sofa. She gave a little squeak as she fell down on the sofa. "Where are you off to?" She asked. "I just remembered. I have to plan a few things." He said. "I'll see you at dinner." And walked out of her room. Just then Bernice along with Revati walked in. Following them was a yawning Rasika Patil. "I still don't see why you'd have to wake me up and drag me to see Rasika of all people." Grumbled Rasika. "Nice to see you too Fox. Benny, why have you dragged Sleeping Beauty here along with Revu to my room?" Asked Rasika. "Because we have to talk to Mademoiselle Revati." Said Bernice, simply. "About what?" Asked Rasika P with a huge yawn. "Why she has been avoiding Akash since you've arrived here." She replied. "Hehe. I'm not avoiding Akash." Said Revati nervously. "Then pray tell why were you waiting for him to leave Falcon's room?" Asked Bernice. "I needed to talk to Rasika. Since Fox was sleeping, I came here and I saw him sitting with her." She said. "Mademoiselle Revati, you've forgotten that I've known the four of you since you were babies. I've watched you grow into fine young man and women. Please don't insult my intelligence. You're hurting and you're not telling us why." She said. "If you don't tell us how can we help you Revu?" Asked Rasika V, gesturing to the three of them. Revati stayed strong for a minute but then broke down. "Myra is not the only one who's bonded to Emerald." She began. "You're the other, aren't you?" Said Rasika V with a whisper. "Not only Emerald but also Ebony." She confirmed. "But why didn't you tell Akash this?" Asked Rasika P. "Because he is in love with her. He loves me I know that. But not the way I do. And I don't know what to do. He knows that I can handle Ebony and Emerald but he doesn't know why. He thinks it's a luck by chance thing. I really have no idea what should I do. I don't want to tell him my feelings because it will make things awkward between us I'm sure of it." She said. "You are an idiot Raven." Said Rasika P. "How so?" She asked. "It's Akash. How will it make things awkward between you?" Said Rasika V.

Meanwhile in Akash's Room.

Akash sat in his room's balcony with his Laptop open on his lap. But his attention was on the fields and not on his laptop. Just then someone closed his eyes from behind. "Thinking Hard Wolf?" Teased a female voice. "You know Spectre, I did miss you too." Said Akash and removed the hands from his eyes. Standing in front of him was Mihica Kulkarni. He grabbed her in a hug and twirled her around. She squealed loudly as she hugged him back. "I thought I told you to stay with Jordan's group and send me the information." He said. "I thought that he was on to me, so I had to get out." She said. "Thank the Gods you got out then. Go meet Benny. She's in the kitchen, she'll get you something to eat to sustain you till dinner." He said. "I've missed you too Wolf." She laughed and kissed his cheek. "I've missed you too Spectre." He smiled. She waved at him and walked out of the room.

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