Chapter 30

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The night sky was clear. No disturbance to be seen, except for a cloaked jet. Inside the jet a man was scrambling around gathering supplies. "Tuesday, what's the status of the Vice Chancellor?" He asked. "The Vice Chancellor is being taken to the torture chamber. No one knows about him being a MI6 Agent. Commander Jones wants you to get him out safely. Casualties on their side are appreciated but not on ours." Said Tuesday. The man smirked and said," Will Do Tuesday. Make sure the Aston Martin DB11 is waiting for me. Toodles." Saying so the man jumped out of the jet. Just the the communicator inside the jet lit up. "Commander Wolf? Are you there?" Came the voice of Alice Jones, MI6 Commander. "He just jumped out of the jet, Commander." Replied Tuesday. "Oh Bugger. I just wanted to tell him that the security is doubled in the house. It's imperative that this information gets to him ASAP." Said Alice. "He's monitored the situation, Commander. Don't worry." Said Tuesday. "Okay. Who are you if I may ask?" Asked Alice. "My name is TUESDAY. I'm an Artificial Intelligence system which Commander Wolf has created. I run the entire agency and all of the agents' vehicles and everything." Replied Tuesday. "Neat. So I shall expect Commander Wolf and the Vice Chancellor without harm at the HQ?" Asked Alice. "Yes Ma'am." Replied Tuesday. "Okay." Said Alice and the call went blank. Meanwhile the man (whom we now know as Commander Wolf) was gliding down using his parasuit. He tranquilized the guards on the terrace after opening his parachute. Landing softly, he gathered his parachute and repacked it in his bag. Turning on camouflage on his suit, he removed his Desert Eagle and attached the suppressor to it. Pretty soon the entire mansion, in which the Vice Chancellor was held was lying with unconscious bodies as Wolf was just tranquilizing them. These doses were modified such that the person affected will regain consciousness only after being administered the antidote.
Wolf made his way to the torture chamber, where the Vice Chancellor Mr Jason Carter was being held. He set explosives on the door which led to a loud boom. Almost all the men inside were knocked out, except for the torture master, who'd held a knife to Jason's neck. Wolf pointed his gun at Jason and shot his leg, after which he shot the torture master straight in the eye. Just then a loud noise permeated the room. "What is that?" Rasped out Jason. "That's our ride Outta here." Replied Wolf. " Who the fuck are you by the way?" Asked Jason as Wolf carried him out. "My name is Commander Wolf. I'm the head of RAW Spec Ops. Sent to rescue you." He replied. As the duo came out of the mansion, Jason saw a silver Aston Martin DB11 waiting for them. Wolf put him in the shotgun seat and he sat in the driver's seat and gunned the engine. "Where are we?" Asked Jason as he drank the water which Wolf handed him. "Scotland. We're enroute to the MI6 HQ. We'll be there in the next couple of hours.
A few hours later
Wolf drove his car into the garage at the MI6 HQ where a gurney and doctors were waiting for Jason. They took him to the hospital, while Wolf was escorted to meet Alice Jones. He was shown in the room where he saw a woman with blond hair waiting for him. " Greetings Commander Wolf. My name is Alice Jones. I'm the head of MI6. Nice to meet you." "Greetings Commander Jones. My name is Wolf and it's a pleasure to meet you as well." Said Wolf. "Commander you said that you'd let me know if your true identity when we met in person." Said Alice. " True. But I'd expected to meet Commander Alice Jones. Not Commander Michelle Jones." He replied. A laugh sounded behind him and he turned to see the real Alice Jones walk in. "Commander Wolf, nice to meet you." She said. "Nice to meet you too Commander Jones." Said Wolf as he removed his hood. Both Michelle and Alice gasped as in front of them stood Akash Kelkar, the richest man in the world. 

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