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(read a/n at the end)

"o-oh! i'm so sorry." jisoo stood up from where he fell and bowed multiple times. the other also stood up and brushed his pants slightly. "it's totally fine." the latter replied. he looked young, maybe around 21.

"i should've look where i was running, really do apologize." jisoo bowed for like the 10th time.

"dude it's cool, i was busy texting my friends so i wasn't really paying attention,," the boy scratched his head. on the sidewalk you could see the stranger's phone with it's brightness all the way turned up being able to read.

cheesyqueso: omG i STG

baam-baam: wait what were we talking about

weewoo: y'all shut up i'm tryna sleep

min-niemouse: lolololololol

jisoo chuckled while giving the stranger a soft smile, "well i have to go now. hopefully your phone is still alright."

"oh right haha,, hey i didn't get your name"

"joshua." he smiled. "oh nice i'm junggeuk !! nice meeting you !" the man waved as he picked up his phone which luckily had no visible cracks. jisoo waved back then sighed and saw the bag still in his hand which he thankfully didn't drop. he continued his way back to the place — this time WALKING, and wondering if the food had gotten cold yet.

jisoo made it back around 3:10pm, and regretted not coming home sooner because the moment he unlocked the door— it was total mayhem. the living room was a mess; which included junhao cuddling STILL. pillows were being thrown across rooms, the kitchen also a mess. the maknae line were searching for food in all the pantries. and he heard yells, most likely soonyoung. jisoo face-palmed. it was like jeonghan and seungcheol were the parents, everyone was like the crazy children; and jisoo was the babysitter who wasn't getting paid enough.

"CHAN THE MAYONNAISE BEEN EXPIRED STUPID- WAIT JISOO HYUNG IS HOME" seungkwan screeched causing all the members to sprint over to jisoo asking him where had he been.

"i was just getting food for you guys gosh" joshua answered holding up the bag as if it was gonna defend him. "oh, okay. let's go guys." wonwoo says calmly and takes the bag from jisoo's hands and walks over to the dining room with the others following- excluding jun and minghao who were not hungry yet. jisoo blinked. "..ooo-kay then."

he walked over to the couch and sat down, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. while watching minghao randomly spoke out "hey didn't mingyu see dokyeom-ah at the bus today?"

"oh yeah, man i miss that dude." jun pouted slightly. "ahh hyung don't worry we will meet him again" minghao smiled before cuddling into him giving jun a big hug. jisoo had heard them and thought, 'that's not fair. everyone knows this kid and i don't'

he sighed (which was now his most favorite thing to do) and stood up, letting the tv show to continue on. and going to the kitchen to check on the others. luckily they didn't make anymore mess, and were eating their food quietly like good kids. chan eating his kids meal, wonwoo enjoying his yummy burger, jihoon close to choking soonyoung for chewing loudly, seungkwan blushing at vernon eating french fries and offering some to him. ahh how cute and peaceful.

jisoo smiled, "where's mingyu? oh well. he's grown, i think i can trust him." he walked out and into his room. he changed into more comfy clothes and checked his phone.


OMG IM SO SORRY, i feel so bad. i genuinely do :( schools a pain in the butt with a lot of pressure on my back so i can't really find time to write,, BUT I PROMISE I WILL UPDATE ON A DAILY BASIS- eventually. AGAIN i'm so frickin sorry ;c and i noticed y'all actually comment on my junk? omg i love y'all uwu <3


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