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  seokmin pov wa//
(warning; much dialogue)

"what the crap mingyu." seokmin stared in shock as he saw the large "family portrait" of mingyu and all of his roommates on the taller's phone. he could generally recognize most of the faces from high school, but one.

"who's that?" seokmin pointed at the pixilated face. "um, jeonghan?" mingyu looked slightly before continuing on eating his mc nuggets. "no stupid, this one is jeonghan." he pointed again to jeonghan in the photo. "k and"

seokmin sighed. he was EXTREMELY bored, he was stuck with mingyu at mcdonald's waiting for jungkook to pick them up- and he forgot his phone. so he decided to look through mingyu phone, without his permission; but it didn't seem like mingyu cared anyways. "you got any games-" he was caught off when mingyu's phone got a notification.

loml💞💞: jisoo-hyung is supposedly coming home soon; and he is bringing food.

"uh, mingyu- your boyfriend..? texted you." seokmin handed the phone back to the greasy handed man. mingyu gasped before snatching the phone from the latter. "omg one of my roommates is supposed to be coming home with food. jungkook needs to hurry up,,,," mingyu whined.

"why you so worried all of a sudden? you're eating a 4 count of chicken mc nuggets, you shouldn't be that hungry now." seokmin replied taking the phone back to look through his phone some more.

"it's not about the food, he can't know that i was out; we aren't allowed to go out without the consent of jeonghan and seungcheol. so if he finds out, he'll snitch cuz he's a rat, and then i'll get in trouble,," mingyu mumbled out.

"bru- i-" seokmin started bursting out laughing. "w-why- d-do- y-y-you need consent of one of them-" "actually you need to ask both of them" "shut up mingyu, i was trying to say- why do you guys need consent to go out, you're all grown men."

"not really,,, we had to implement this rule after chan and hansol walked to taco bell at 1am only to find it closed, then got lost, and had to sleep on the park benches. and then after that, soonyoung rode his bicycle all the way to the other side of town "by accident" when everyone was out, and we had to have a search party for him cuz he was gone for 2 days." mingyu explained.

"wtf i"

"ayyy the king is here eow" jungkook walked over the the duo. "FINALLY GOSH" mingyu grabbed onto jungkook dragging him outside, with lost seokmin following along. "WHERES YOUR CAR AT, COME ON" mingyu shouted. "calm tf down,, it's over there and omg i have to tell y'all what just happened."

the three boys sat in the jungkook's 2010 honda accord with jungkook and seokmin in the front, and mingyu sitting in the back. "okay y'all so, i parked my car here right? then when i was walking to mc donald's all of a sudden this cute ass walks into me, well more me walking into him." jungkook explained to the other two when putting his seatbelt on. "and his voice is so soft like i??? i wanna be his friend so bad omg"

"oooo jungkook i see you" mingyu poked jungkook. "wait, did you get his name?"

"oh yeah i'm not that stupid. his name is joshua-" mingyu stopped him.

"start driving."

"uh ok.? but why-"

"hun did you not hear me or are you deaf"

"actually that's seokmin but go off iguess."



hey beauties 🙈🙈🙈 kinda a filler idk but i needa update more i swear.

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