House Guests

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"Yo, Sa-twins" Deidara calls as we head down the stairs. Sasori rolls his eyes "enough with that lame title," "hey Dei," I respond. "HEY, IM HERE TOO YOU PIECES OF *BLEEP*" Hidan yells angrily.

-I've decided to bleep out Hidan just cus Hidan: hey! Me: get back in the story! Hidan: Why you little *BLEEP* me: haha that's what you get sucker XD. Now back to the story-

"What did you just say in my house?!" Mom yells from the kitchen, "n-nothing Mrs. Haruno." Hidan stutters proving that even he's scared of my mom. "Hmph that's what I thought," Sasori, and I stifle laughter while Deidara laughs wholeheartedly "Hahahaha! Scaredy cat," "what the *BLEEP* did you just call me?!" "You heard me un," he mocked. Bored from hearing the same argument, as usual, I call Ino and set up a three-way with Tenten. "Hey Sak what's up?" Tenten answers, "yo billboard brow" Ino responds. "Can you two come over Dei and Hidan-dummy are over and are arguing as usual. "Be right there," they chime in unison and I hang up.

About ten seconds later the front door bursts open and Ino rushes in with FBI shades on and a water gun in hand. She points it at the two arguing friends. "Either both of you shut up or I'll soak you," "Wow, I'm so scared-yeah right you'd more likely act like a total fangirl then do that sis. Deidara smirks. "HI-YAH!" Tenten yells as she drop kicks Deidara. "Oof!" "What the heck? Okay that's it I'm done with you guys." 

Sasori walks out of the room shaking his head. Tenten turns to Hidan and whacks him with a bamboo stick repeatedly as she chases him out of the house. "Ow, stop that right now you little-" BONK "OW! quit it I'm leaving I'm leaving" Hidan grumbles as he walks out the door, "little *bleep.*" He mutters thus earning another whack to the head. Tenten slams the door and we turn to see Ino mercilessly blasting Deidara with water. "Who do you think you're calling a fangirl you moron?" We walk past them leaving the siblings to deal with their issues.

"So, what do you think about the whole merging of schools thing?" I ask once Tenten and I reach my room. "I think it seems like fun-I mean who knows? Maybe I'll find a training partner?" I laugh. "That would be nice though I don't know why you'd need one since your already like a freaking ninja." I point out. We laugh until we hear Ino and Deidara yelling at each other. We share a look and head downstairs. "Fashion is an art you piece of crap!" "No, art is an explosion and stop calling me that un." "Hey, Tenten could you...?" "I'm on it." The two siblings are too busy arguing to notice Tenten pushing them out the door, walking out and shutting the door. I walk down the stairs to the basement aka Sasori's room. I figure now would be a good time for some snooping so I open his door a crack and pop my head in. 

"Hey, Ino and Deidara just said that your art is terri-" I couldn't even finish because he busts through the door and dashes up the stairs and outside. 'Heh, he's so gullible.' 'true.' I quietly sneak into his room and shut and lock the door behind me. "Now, where to start?" I stare at the near impeccable room with its creme white walls, blood-red bed, and cedar dresser, desk, and bed table. "Maybe under his bed?" I peek underneath to find a miniscule simple black book. 'Bingo' I grab it and put it in my pocket just as Sasori stomps down the stairs.

 "Sakura, so help me if you don't get out of my room right now I'm tearing down your One Direction poster." "Nooooo not the poster," I cry dramatically as I open the door. Sasori is livid. "Why the heck were you in my room?" He demands. "Oh, no reason." I'm almost past him when I stop and whisper "It's five seconds of summer you uncultured swine." And with that, I sashay to my room evilly grinning. "Wait, why were you evil grinning?" I don't respond. "SAKURAAAAAAAAAAA!" I quickly close the door and lock it then jump onto my bed. "Now, I wonder what this little book holds, juicy secrets maybe?" 'Probably pervy fantasies about his girlfriend.' I bite back a laugh as I open the book. Dear Diary- Oh geez I can't with this. I close the book laughing, he sounds like a little girl. "Bwahaha!" "SAKURA OPEN UP THIS DOOR RIGHT *BLEEP*ING NOW OR ELSE!" 'Well crap' 'you got that right.' Sighing I open the door and hand him his diary. Sasori snatches it and looks up paranoid. "How much did you read?" "Enough." I lie. He sighs. "You're going to blackmail me aren't you?" "Well duh." I close the door and give Hinata a call so we can make plans for the day.

Hey, guys, it's Author-chan, I hope you enjoyed this part and be sure to comment what you think. Thanks for reading!

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