Chapter Two

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Ino's Pov

"Why I got you on my mind?" I sleepily open my eyes, waking up to my new alarm. Finally realizing it what day it was I sit up. "It's the first day of school!!" Time for high school. I've been ready for this day since....not ever, but I'll stay positive. After all, we're going to be going to school with guys this year which'll either be totally awesome or totally awful. Either way, it's time to start the day! I practically jump off of my bed and pick up my phone to call billboard brow-I mean Sakura. Giggling to myself I hit the call button. "Hello?" Sakura's tired voice responds. "IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOREHEAD!! GET UP RIGHT NOW 'CUS I KNOW YOU WERE ASLEEP!" "Argh, geez Ino-pig calm down before you give me a headache. Rolling my eyes I put on my uniform while listening to what happened in another of her wacky dreams. "A-huh yeah, okay Sak, I'll talk to you at school bye!"

I hang up and rush for the bathroom only to realize that my brother Deidara, had the same idea. "Move, Dei-baka," "make me." He taunts in that awful voice of his. I shove him causing Deidara to almost fall down the nearby stairs. "Why you little jerk you're gonna pay for that blondie." I facepalm. "You're blonde too for crying out loud, dude." "Oh." My eye twitches with annoyance and I'm about to shove him down the stairs for real when our father sneaks up behind me. "Are you two fighting?" He asks eerily, we both gulp and suppress a shiver. "N-no dad." "Good, because otherwise, I would hypnotize you both into cleaning the toilets for the rest of your lives." Deidara and I sweatdropped. Dad owns a hypnosis business and so whenever Dei-baka and I get into it he threatens us with stuff like that.

"Now Deidara use the one downstairs so Ino can take this one." "WHAT?! But dad there are spiders in that one un." "Aww is little Deidei scared?" I teased smirking. "Oh, so you want to go down there?" Dad questioned. "No way!" I suppress a shiver remembering the time Shino grossed me out with his collection of every bug from the whole country. 'That was the worst. Birthday. Ever.' 'I swear if he does that again I'm going to-' 'hey! Not around the readers!' ' pooper,' 'WHAT?' Inner snickers while I'm trying to keep from punching Dei to release my frustration. "Ino, quit staring at your brother like you want to kill him." "Awww can't I?" Deidara looked freaked out as I creepily smiled at him. "I-if you need me I-ill just be going th-that way now." He dashes down the stairs with an "oh crap" look on his face.

I smirk triumphantly as I skip to the bathroom. I grin as I fix up my hair into my signature high ponytail. 'Today's gonna be a great day.' 'Heck yeah it will!' 

After getting ready I walked into the kitchen about to make myself some breakfast burritos. But then I saw the clock 8:00. 'Crap I'm going to be late!' I grab a bagel and an orange as I dash out the door to catch up with my brother who was ahead of me even though I'm usually the one who has to drag his lazy self out of the door. "Heh, look who's behind now sis un" I roll my eyes and run ahead of him. "That would be you baka!" I grin as I rush into the mass of students who were walking towards the school. I can practically feel him scowl as he catches up with me. While running I accidentally bump into someone. 

"Huh? Oh hello, Ino-san" Sai, an artist I met while I was a CIT at camp greets. "Hi, Sai-kun! And please don't be so formal we're friends, right? So just call me Ino-chan!" It was a bit straightforward to say but who cares? 'After all, I kinda like Sai' 'you mean you looooooooove him,' inner teases to my embarrassment. 'Stop that inner it's nothing like that. Just because I think he's cute and interesting and funny doesn't mean that I-' 'yes, yes it does! Geez, why are all of you outers so dense? Do you readers see what us inners have to deal with all day?'

Ignoring inners rant, I look over to see Sai had left. 'Huh, I wonder where he went.' "Ino!" I turn around to see my BFF and rival, Sakura, jogging over to where I am. I'm enveloped into a bone-crushing hug as we marvel at how different the other looks. "Oh my gosh, your hair is way longer and did you get taller?" Sakura inquires, "You cut yours, and I think you shrank Sakura." We giggle as we walk into our homeroom.

-Hey guys Author-chan here. Sorry for the wait school had me busy-that and procrastinating. Please comment what you think and- Deidara: WAIT! Me: huh, what for? Dei: Just telling you now, if you don't add the rest of the Akatsuki I'll sic Hidan on you. Me: Psh whatever I was going to anyway and besides like he could even touch me. Hidan: WHAT WAS THAT YOU PIECE OF *BLEEP* AND STOP *BLEEP*ing CENSORING MY WORDS *BLEEP* Me: Oh crap. Welp, I'm outta here by everyone and thanks for reading! Hidan: Get back here *BLEEP* it! Dei: They forgot about me *anime tears*-

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