Comebacks and Fangirls

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Naruto's Pov:

'Man, it took forever to get those introductions done,' 'it didn't help that Pein had a whole freakin' speech about peace geez.' 'I wish it was lunchtime I miss my ramen ttebayo,'  "Naruto," I open my eyes and look at Kakashi-sensei. "Yes sensei?" "You were smiling creepily and licking your lips. I hope you're not having weird daydreams." I turned bright red as my friends openly laughed at me and the girls who I just met along with Hinata were turned away and giggling. "Man whatever Kakashi-sensei, I bet you're a closet pervert." 

-Quick omake sorry not sorry-

-Me: Naruto has no idea how true this is. *Evil laugh* Deidara: Aha! I knew it!! Me: What? Deidara: I knew that you would start narrating! Now Hidan owes me 50 Ryo. Me: *sweatdrops* uh, what exactly are you going to do with that 50 Ryo? (Btw that's basically 5 bucks) it's not exactly much you know. Sasuke: Oh no, the dobe's saying is contagious. *Backs away with nose buried in shirt* get away from me I don't want to catch that illness. Me: Aw shut it duckbutt the only sick you'll be is lovesick mrahahha! Sasuke: W-what do you mean by that? Me: All I'll say is that it has to do with a certain Pinkette hehe. Sasuke: What?! *blushing* Me: Ha! It already started get ready to fall.....IN LOVE MRAHaHAHAHA. (Cue thunder and Lightning) Deidara: Hey what about me un? Me: Uh, maybe 'crap I forgot about him' 

Dei: You forgot didn't you Lyra? Me: Hey, don't call me that in front of the readers! Dei: But you already told them last chapter, Me: oh I did? Huh, must've slipped my mind. Sasuke: *facepalms* Me: listen here mister I'm too cool to be here, you either stop that or I will sick the fangirls on you. Sasuke: Hn, whatever. As if i'm scared about some annoying fan-*fangirl screeches from outside the door.* Me: You were saying? Sasuke: Uh, Fangirl No 1. from outside the door: OMG SASUKE-KUNNNNNNNNNNNNN LET ME IN AND NOT THE OTHER GIRLS! Fangirl No 2.: NO WAY AMI, HE'S MINE! Fangirl No. 3: BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP I'M GONNA BE WITH HIM WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT! Fangirl No. 4: NOT IF I'M WITH HIM FIRST! Fangirl No. 5: I LOVE YOU SASUKE IGNORE THESE CRAZY CHICKS OUT HERE I'M THE ONE FOR YOUUUUUUU!!!! 

Fangirl No. 6: Heh yeah right you five. Why don't you all chill out and hear me out? Fangirls No. 1-5: Ehh? How are you so relaxed? Fangirl No. 6: *shrugs* anyway I'll give you a chance to leave right now so I can be with Sasuke or else.....I'll go all yandere on you *creepy grin* Fangirls except for No. 6: Aiiiiii!! CODE RED YANDERE ALERT! *Fangirls leave* Fangirl No. 6: You're welcome Sasuke! Now, go make sasusaku real kay? Sasuke: S-sasusaku? No. 6: I mean it now bye! Dei: What the heck just happened? Me: Crazed fangirls, they hunt in packs to make it easier then fight each other over their prey. Sasuke: P-prey? Me: Dude you gotta stop stuttering before you end up doing it 24/7 like poor Hinata here Hinata: *was somehow secretly eating a bowl of ramen in class* H-huh, did you s-say my name? Me: See? Sasuke: Hn Me: Dude get a freaking better vocabulary *throws a heavy dictionary at Sasuke* Sasuke: Ow, what the heck?! Me: end of omake- Sasuke: Hey, you can't just- 

Back to a certain ramen lover's POV

I grinned smugly, at the now suspiciously sweating teacher. "Psh whatever as if I'd read something like that Naruto. In fact, you're more likely to since your godfather is Jiraiya." Kakashi retorts, "what?!" the class turns to stare at me. "The Jiraiya who wrote those books?" "Oh heck no," "I'm just gonna move this way now," "noooooooooo! Naruto was so young so kind but the books have gotten to him. Not again! This is the second time!" "Naruto I didn't know that your.....uh environment was so......crass." 'Ah come on these guys are acting like i'm the perverted one here,' '*cough* closet pervert *cough.*' 'And this is why you have no friends.' 'Nuh-uh I'm friends with all the inners and if you don't, believe me, I can tell them all your dirty little secrets so that they can tell their outers all about them.' 'Aww come on that is so not cool ttebayo.' 

Kakashi calls the class back to attention, "ahem, attention ya bunch of loud-mouthed losers, I have homework for you all." The classroom erupted in protests as confused and angry students voiced their complaints. "IT'S THE *BLEEP*ING FIRST DAY OF *BLEEP*ING SCHOOL, WHO THE *BLEEP* DOES THAT,"-Me: you all know who said that.....Obito: I know! It was Pikachu, wait no it was uh uh Sailor Moon, no wait ummmm Jonny Test? Or was it Barbie, not maybe it was somebody that I used to know (cue song). NO, I GOT's uh uh uhhhhhhh find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Me: *facepalming* were you by chance dropped as a baby?-

Back to Whisker Boy(AKA Naruto's) POV 

Rock Lee immediately jumped out of his chair and onto his desk, "but sensei, is it not the first day of school? Is this what high school really is? For that is so unyouthful, we are all in our springtime of youth so say it with me, everyone! YOUTHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Come on do not be hesitant to join in, YOUTHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" 

Everyone scooted as far as possible from the youth-crazed student. The girl with the Pink hair Sakura, I think her name is, the girl who I claimed to have a crush on all those years ago, stood up. "Kakashi-sensei, how can you give us homework if this isn't even a class?" The whole class got silent then went "Oooohhhhhh" -we all know that tone.- Kakashi just shrugs and starts to explain. "I want you OF EACH OTHER!!!! And if you don't want to do that, then you can do the better option which is.....SHIPPING EACH OTHER!! KuKuKu let the meme-ship war begin." With that Kakashi-sensei leaves the room leaving us dumbfounded. 

"Man, what a drag, just what kind of whacko did they drag from the dump and leave in charge of us?" The ever lazy Nara complained before walking out the door as well. "Yo, crybaby the bell hasn't even rung for first-hour dummy," Temari calls after him. The class exchanges a glance wondering just how did the two know each other. Before anything could be said though the bell rang. *BRING* Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at Temari, "you were saying?" She scoffs and retorts that he better watch his lazy *BLEEP* before someone kicks it.

Hey everyone, Author-chan here. Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, although there was some filler to it. Anyway, be sure to comment what you think and make sure to upvote- Fangirl No. 1-5: KYAAAAAAA Me: *sigh* what is it now? Fangirl No. 1-5: the Uchiha are soooooooo cool! Me: Seriously? you had to interrupt me for this? Fangirl No. 1-5: Yeah....... Me: *eye twitches* don't throw Harry Potter book at them don't throw Harry Potter book at them don't throw Harry Potter book at them. Fangirl No. 1-5: AHH! MORE CRAZY PEEPS LET'S GET OUT OF HERE! Me: They're calling me crazy psh whatever. 

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