Flashback (Filler but necessary to the plot)

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This chapters dedicated to @Yo_Sarada who wanted to know what "incident" was

*Flashback to when Sasuke, Saki, Itachi, and Obito were 7 and Shisui was 9 (Shisui isn't in this chapter sorry). I'm changing the age of the "incident" that Saki mentioned in an earlier page*

The four relatives were playing tag at the park as they usually did. It ended the same as it always does when Itachi is it, which happens every time because he was nice enough to volunteer when no one else wanted to. Obito gets out first due to some embarrassing knucklehead blunder, Sasuke gets out next because, in the process of trying to hide, he gets out after a while of trying to get Itachi to chase him after getting impatient. Saki gets out last, for she managed to climb to the top of a tree. She was found there because she kept saying "I'm a dinosaur fear me, mortals!" 

But today, instead of going back home, the young duckbutt saw a flash of pink. Turning and running towards the sight he leaves his relatives behind and follows the vibrant color. He ends up at the cherry blossom viewing area since it was that time of year. "Was that it?" Sasuke wondered aloud.

"Was what it?" Startled Sasuke turns around to see a girl around his age with cherry blossom pink hair peering at him curiously. 

"Hn, none of your business" the pinkette flinched and looked away. Taking time to look at the girl, Sasuke notices that she's covered in dirt. "What happened to you?" 

"N-nothing" shaking her head, she hides her watering eyes with her bangs.

"C'mon don't drag this out"

"W-well it was..." She finishes her sentence in a quiet voice in which Sasuke can't hear

"Was what?"

"A-Ami and h-her friends." Sakura finally turned back to the Uchiha who was looking confused and decided to tell the whole story. "Y-you see I-I go to school with them and tried being their friend on the first day back two years ago. B-but, for some reason they h-hated me and started being mean to m-me," she rubs her eyes before continuing and trying not to stammer. "At recess, they would push me down on the sidewalk and yell at me, they called me mean names like billboard brow and ugly until I would cry. I asked them why they're like this and one girl said 'so that you won't try to steal Sasuke-kun from us' whoever that was. They-"

"It's them huh?" Sakura looked at Sasuke confused at what he was saying, 

"huh? What do you mean?"

"The fan club. There're a bunch of annoying girls , I remember the leader's name being Ami so it must be them." Sasuke glared at the ground irritated. 'I hate that fan club, they won't leave me alone and now they're bullying some girl I don't even know!'

"Aah, but how do you know them?"

"It doesn't really matter" 

"What do you mean it-"

"How come you didn't tell your parents?" Sasuke questioned 

"I don't want them worrying and they'd only make it worse," she smiled a small smile. "I'll figure something out...something not involving bad jokes."

"Bad jokes?"

"Yeah, my dad tells the worst-"

"Sakura It's time to go home!" 

The two turned to see Sakura's mom who in fact did not have pink hair like Sasuke expected, walk over. 

"Okay, mom!" Sakura chirped covering up how she felt just moments ago. She turned around to wave goodbye to who she hoped would be her new friend, when she noticed he was gone. Turning back around to walk back home, Sakura thought 'where'd he go?' 'Maybe you made him up.' 'Nu-uh! Why would I make someone up inner?' 'I don't know you're the weird one here not me,' 'WHAT?!' 

"Sakura," Mebuki called.

"Huh, what is it, mom?"

"Why are you covered in dirt?"*

After seeing the pinkette's mother show up, Sasuke went back to the playground without a word to the former. Upon arriving the raven noticed that his siblings and cousins were gone. 'Where'd everyone go?' While looking around, he failed to notice Obito sneaking up behind him. 


"AHH!" Sasuke fell over, surprised at his relative's sudden appearance.

Obito grinned at the reaction he got before bursting out laughing. "BAHAHAHAHA! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOU'RE FACE SASU-CAKES! AHAHAHAHAHA!" However, the goofy Uchiha was too busy laughing to notice the seething glare that was pointed in his direction.


The laughing boy noticed and immediately stopped his fit of laughter as a shiver went down his spine. "Uh, S-Sasuke y-you do know th-that was a joke r-right?"

Before Sasuke could retaliate, Itachi, ran over.

Itachi kneeled down to help his brother up. "Don't tell me Obito scared you again."

"He did and I would've gotten him back for it if you guys didn't come." Sasuke resumed glaring at the google-wearing boy.

"It's a good thing you didn't then or Obito would've lost for sure," Saki said walking over to where everyone else was.


"It's true!"





Sasuke looks at the two annoyed and looks at Itachi. "Are they going to stop anytime soon?"

Itachi sighs "probably not. We should just leave without them."

"Good idea."

The two brothers walked in silence before Itachi spoke up.

"Who was that you were talking to?"

-HELLOOOOOOO PEOPLE! I'M BACK FROM THE WORLD OF PROCRASINATION...sort of. Sorry if this chapter was kinda lame but I'll be working on the last part of the truth or dare so if you have any suggestions let meh know. Also, I'm trying to fix my writing style so if you have any tips please comment them. Thanks for reading!-

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